We did it!
Anastasia Leligdowicz raised £6,402 from 47 supporters
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Closed 03/07/2022
Iʼve raised £6,402 to send humanitarian aid to Lviv from Newcastle-Under-Lyme
- Newcastle-Under-Lyme
- Funded on Sunday, 3rd July 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
We urgently need your help to support the Ukrainian humanitarian aid effort. We are trying to raise at least £2,000 to subsidise transportation cost to Lviv from Newcastle under Lyme.
We have been overwhelmed by the generosity and response for humanitarian aid from the community of Newcastle under Lyme, Stoke on Trent and surrounding areas.
Donations are accepted at: 17 Merrial Street, N-U-L, ST5 2AE.
We are collecting: Bandages, tourniquets, first aid kits, pain killers, toiletres, sanitary products, nappies, sleeping bags and warm clothes.
We are also in need of volunteers to help sort and organise donations at the collection point, so if you are able to spare even an hour of your time we would be most grateful.
If you have any questions please contact Maria: 07525766699
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Anastasia Leligdowicz started crowdfunding
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Jun 12, 2022
May 11, 2022
May 8, 2022
Apr 26, 2022
Thomas Knowles
Apr 23, 2022
GG & Co.
Apr 1, 2022
Had a little cake sale for Ukraine and here's the proceeds
Mar 30, 2022
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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