We did it!
Heather Wellbeing raised £345 from 12 supporters
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Closed 22/07/2020
Iʼve raised £345 to provide £1,000,000 of free therapy and wellbeing support for NHS Frontline Staff battling against Coronavirus
- Funded on Wednesday, 22nd July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide free mental health therapy and wellbeing support for NHS staff that are battling coronavirus on the frontline through our network of qualified UK therapists.
Doctors and nurses are scared, overworked, stressed and need our support now more than ever. The task they face is daunting on every front, but it’s critical to their health, their patients' lives and our country that their wellbeing is looked after. We aim to do exactly that.
So far we have:
We have already helped many within the NHS seeking support through our test launch with outstanding feedback from clients and therapists alike. We have recruited a network of 100 volunteer therapists ready to help and a fully scalable platform to connect therapists & NHS staff ready to be launched
To assist with awareness, we have secured tier 1 press from top media that is 'ready to go' and created a user-friendly, mobile responsive campaign website that anyone can access.
We need funding to fully launch the platform so that we can help thousands of other doctors and nurses. This whole initiative was only started a few days ago (March 23rd) and is built from scratch, self-funded and 100% independent.
--> Please view the full campaign here: https://www.heatherwellbeing.com/nhs
What will the money be used for?
To launch and maintain the service there are significant overheads, insurance premiums and platform fees. If we can hit £25,000 in donations, we can launch and grow the initiative to provide over £1,000,000 of therapy to NHS staff as well expand our service to those who are in desperate need of real support.
We already have over £100,000 of time pledged by fully qualified therapists and now just require your help so that we can go live… Please donate what you can so we can provide the support that is so badly needed. We are ready to launch ASAP!
About the initiative:
The task our NHS staff face is daunting on every front, but it’s critical to their health, their patients' lives and our country that their wellbeing is looked after.
This initiative aims to do exactly that - protecting and maintaining their mental health with the provision of high-quality therapy and wellbeing support from a qualified therapist.
Therapists are providing up to 6 hours of tailored high-quality therapy per person and all therapists are donating their time free of charge. This whole initiative was only started a few days ago (March 23rd) and is built from scratch, self-funded and 100% independent.
We are pouring our days, nights, money, time and efforts into doing what we can to help. We have invested our own money, everyone is volunteering their time and we do not receive any payment for providing the initiative.
We are ready to go live and help thousands of NHS staff seeking support and need your donations to do so. Please consider donating what you can - it will make a world of difference.
Every penny counts and never have NHS staff needed our support more.
Best wishes,
Team Heather
Updates appear here
Heather Wellbeing started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Julia Mikardo
Apr 16, 2020
A really vital initiative, I am sure it will be much appreciated by front-line staff.
Selina Firth
Apr 3, 2020
What a fantastic initiative! Well done on getting it off the ground so quickly.
Apr 2, 2020
Worthy cause! Is it accessible to all NHS frontline staff?From one frontline staff to others - it important to maintain our sanity and mental health during this challenging period with the outbreak.
Apr 2, 2020
Thank you!
Apr 2, 2020
Keep Strong, you are doing an amazing job. We appreciate you! Look after your own wellbeing too x
Alison Lawrence
Apr 2, 2020
What a wonderful idea.
Apr 2, 2020
Great thing you are doing!
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Heather Wellbeing
We are connecting NHS frontline staff with qualified therapists to provide FREE mental health and emotional wellbeing support. We are pouring all our days, nights, time and efforts into doing what we can and need your support so that we can expand to help even more people.