We did it!
Nick Wates raised £1,600 from 21 supporters
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Closed 29/02/2020
Iʼve raised £1,600 to support Engagement in Placemaking Research.
- Hastings, UK
- Funded on Saturday, 29th February 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Do you believe that places work better if the people living and working in them are involved in their creation and management? Then this is an excellent opportunity to support research and the provision of online resources to promote good practice in placemaking.
I have enrolled at the University of Brighton to do a PhD reflecting on the invaluable experience I gained over four decades as an author, researcher and practitioner. The focus will be on the creation and impact of five books I wrote or edited relating to community involvement in placemaking: 'The Battle for Tolmers Square' ; 'Squatting, the real story'; 'Community Architecture'; 'Action Planning' and 'The Community Planning Handbook' (all still in print with Routledge apart from 'Squatting'). Lessons learnt will be spelt out, future initiatives needed in the field signposted.

Funding is needed to cover the costs of this research which includes tuition fees, digitising photographic and paper archives, preparing exhibition material and both computer and website technical support.
What you will get
Access to my thesis, available online (by mid 2020).
Access to an updated Community Planning Website.
Useful archives, digitised and available online.
Invitations to exhibitions and workshops.
All contributions credited unless requested otherwise.
Reports on progress and the use of the funding raised posted here (see below) and on 'Back to school' blog.
Thank you for any support you can offer. The more we raise the more that can be achieved.
Photocaptions. Top: Community planning masterclass, Taipai, 2013. Above: The five books and their translations, adaptations and new editions.
5 years ago
Nick Wates
5 years agoPhD success announced by University of Brighton after my viva on Friday 4 October. Hurrah. Some minor amendments needed to my thesis 'Making places better' and then it will be published online. Thank you again all sponsors for making this possible.
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6 years ago
Nick Wates
6 years agoSpring update. Apologies to those who thought it would all be over by now. Hand-in now extended to 31 May (2019).
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6 years ago
Nick Wates
6 years agoNew Year 2019 Update. As well as the donations shown on this page there have also been offline donations totalling £2,235. Huge thanks to all. Hand in due 31 March (2019) and lots to do. So there is still time to become a sponsor. For more details see http://www.nickwates.com/2018/03/14/back-to-school/
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Nick Wates started crowdfunding
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Jeremy Wates
Apr 1, 2019
Good to hear that you got an extension - it seems to be in fashion these days. Question is, will you finish before or after the UK leaves the EU (if it does)? Anyway, good luck with the final push!
Jan 13, 2019
Jan 10, 2019
An excellent project!
John F C Turner
Dec 10, 2018
Looking forward to future developments.
kathrin golda-pongratz
Aug 30, 2018
Jul 27, 2018
Rod tells me about your important post grad work in Brighton - Nick when can we call you Dr Wates?
Jul 27, 2018
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Nick Wates
Hastings, UK
Writer, researcher and practitioner on community engagement in planning and design.