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Nicole Shaw raised £2,045 from 42 supporters
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Closed 27/05/2022
Iʼve raised £2,045 to Help Daggy in Thailand
- Funded on Friday, 27th May 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
On Saturday 15th January our friend Shaun Dagnan was subjected to a horrific attack whilst on holiday in Thailand as seen on the national news. His friend was sadly killed during this attack so we're very lucky to still have him with us after sustaining his very serious injuries. His travel insurance had lapsed due to an unexpected extended stay. While he is receiving some support from immigration and the British consulate this isn't going to be a short process. We are trying to raise funds to help support with costs of medical expenses and recovery. Any donations and help will be greatly appreciated. Thankyou
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Nicole Shaw started crowdfunding
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Alan and Pauline
Feb 7, 2022
Get well soon Daggy
Steve Olner
Feb 1, 2022
Get well soon and safe flight back to the Uk, when you have recovered
Feb 1, 2022
Jan 31, 2022
Wes & Gem Jephcote
Jan 31, 2022
Get well soon mate and come home
Jan 31, 2022
I've been living in Thailand for 45+ years and I find it a safe place and I love it here... My heart is really saddened when I see such incidents. My prayers go out to Daggy and the late Marcus.
Kev D
Jan 30, 2022
All the best Daggy, stay positive.
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