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Nikki Redding raised £923 from 78 supporters


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Closed 05/12/2016

raised of £500 target by 78 supporters

    Weʼve raised £923 to help replace Christmas presents that a 81 year old pensioner lost when his car was stolen from him in Bluewater.

    Funded on Monday, 5th December 2016

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    A car belonging to an 81-year old man, full of Christmas presents, was reported stolen from a car park on Tuesday 15 November 2016 after the car was stolen from the Lower Thames Walk car park at Bluewater.

    The pensioner was sitting in his car with the engine running when he was approached by two men in another vehicle.

    These men spoke to the driver saying there was something dangerous on the back of his car and when the driver got out of the vehicle one of the men then got into the car and drove it away.

    The man had just been Christmas shopping with his wife and was awaiting her return when the incident happened.

    These men stole their brand new car a Skoda with 200 miles on the clock, the first car this couple have bought in 20 years and all the presents in it. The police are looking for witnesses.

    Bluewater have kindly given the couple £250 in vouchers but they lost so much more.

    This page has been set up with permission from a family member to help raise some money to at least cover the cost of replacing the presents stolen.

    Please help us bring a little Christmas spirit to this couple and help raise some money so they can replace the presents - thank you!



    • Nikki Redding8 years ago
      Nikki Redding

      Nikki Redding

      8 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      Hi everyone just a quick update! I've managed to get the page closed early so I'm just waiting for the funds to be released and passed onto the couple. Thank you all so much for your help and support!!! Xx

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Nikki Redding8 years ago
      Nikki Redding

      Nikki Redding

      8 years ago

      Thank you so much to everyone who has donated! I can't believe we have almost doubled the target it amazing and your all wonderful people! I'm just waiting on some details on how best to get this money to couple so will keep this page open until then. Again, thank you so much! This just shows how many good people there are out there! Xx

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Nikki Redding8 years ago
      Nikki Redding

      Nikki Redding

      8 years ago

      Hi! I'm absolutely overwhelmed by everyone's generosity you are all amazing! Thank you so much!!! Xx

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Nikki Redding8 years ago
      Nikki Redding

      Nikki Redding

      8 years ago

      Wow wow wow! You lot are just brilliant I can't believe we have raised £500 in less than 24 hours!!! That's fantastic! Thank you so much!! Xxx

      Share this update to help us raise more

    8 years ago

    Nikki Redding started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 11/26/2016 12.02



    • Anonymous


      Nov 25, 2016

      What gies round comes round, these two men will get their cumuppence


    • Neil


      Nov 25, 2016

      You are the Ying to my miserable Yang. I wouldn't have given these oldies a second thought but now you've managed to raise them over a grand! You're a special bird xx


    • Reuben Gurunlian

      Reuben Gurunlian

      Nov 25, 2016

      It's an absolute disgrace that people could have done this to an elderly man and his wife out shopping for gifts. I hope they can put this behind them by Christmas time and best wishes to them.


    • Sarah Gaimster

      Sarah Gaimster

      Nov 25, 2016

      Let's hope this family can have an extra special Christmas to put this horrible incident behind them. Well done Nikki such a lovely thing you are doing here. Sx


    • Jodie Gardiner

      Jodie Gardiner

      Nov 24, 2016

      Hope they both have a wonderful Christmas x


    • nicola musguin

      nicola musguin

      Nov 24, 2016

      Hope all raised puts a smile back on there faces and the couple have a merry Christmas x


    • Naomi Taylor

      Naomi Taylor

      Nov 24, 2016

      fundraising going really well. already over £800. fantastic. feel so sorry for the couple that was targeted by these scum bags. hope cctv finds something.


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    Nikki Redding


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