We did it!
Vicki Carter raised £1,050 from 41 supporters
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Closed 03/11/2019
Iʼve raised £1,050 to Set up an LGBT+ Sports Award Event
- Funded on Sunday, 3rd November 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
We want to celebrate LGBT + sports clubs and their members
- 5 years ago
Vicki Carter
5 years agoThank you for your financial support with setting up the 21st Birthday LGBT+ Sports Awards. They went really well, your money made it possible. Vicki
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- 5 years ago
Vicki Carter
5 years agoDear kind supporters, Thank you so much for the donations, they are funding the Sports Awards on 1st November at City Hall. See the details below https://outforsport.com/ I could not have done this without you many thanks Vicki
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- 6 years ago
Vicki Carter
6 years agoThank you for all the support. So I crossed the Channel arriving in 14 hours and 40 minutes on Tuesday 16th July. The amazing thing is that it also looks like I have enough money to put on a fabulous LGBT awards Event in November. Thank you for supporting me and the event
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Vicki Carter started crowdfunding
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Abi Clough
Sep 10, 2019
You are an inspiration Vicki, with your wonderful achievement to swim across the Channel. Abi x
Michael Webster
Sep 2, 2019
Many many many congratulations Vicki I admire your determination, resolve and physical stamina to complete this goal
Jon Emmins
Aug 13, 2019
Spreading the love across all three causes VC xxx
Neil Sleat
Jul 23, 2019
Congratulations! Astonishing achievement. We are in awe. David & Neil x
Jul 19, 2019
Congratulations, Vicki, WELL DONE !!!!!
Jul 17, 2019
Amazing! What an achievement! Congratulations!
Jul 16, 2019
Well done Vicki! Absolutely amazing achievement!
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