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Rebecca Kowalski raised £1,955 from 47 supporters
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Closed 18/07/2022
Iʼve raised £1,955 to contribute to our Paisley to Poland mission, to offer help to Ukrainian refugees.
- Paisley
- Funded on Monday, 18th July 2022
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Olek and I are just 2 people who care deeply about what is happening in Ukraine and struggle to go about business as usual while so many people are suffering. We perhaps feel a little more connected as I lived and made great friends in Ukraine as a student and Olek's Dad's family had to leave Poland after WW2, never to return, for fear of the Russians. Olek has been learning Polish these last few years and I'm trying to dig my once fluent Russian out of the deeper recesses of my brain fast! So we hope that for a few days we can talk, drive, donate supplies and provide some support for those whose lives have been shattered.
We have been told by a volunteer at the border that the most important need right now is food supplies but we are waiting for details from other sources too. This page is for any one who wants to make a donation but is too far away to get things to us, we will put it to the cost of buying supplies and, once the car is full, offset against some of the petrol for the Kowalski continental taxi service.
We want to give a huge thanks to our friend John Everett for the very kind offer to loan us his people carrier, which allow us to transport more supplies and collect larger groups of people.
To my colleagues and employers at Milne Craig for financial and moral encouragement and to Phil Billingham for support and inspiration from his own mission.
To friends and neighbours for helping fill the car and all the support from Olek's colleagues and his employer Vector Photonics. We really appreciate it and know we can help more people as a result.
3 years ago
Rebecca Kowalski
3 years agoIt was too late to head all the way back to the border so we stayed in Warsaw that night. Olek watched Poland win a World Cup qualifier. It seemed deserved after all the good deeds we had seen from Polish people over the last couple of days. At this point, in a different town unexpectedly and with one and a half days remaining before we had to head home, we were keen to make the most of the time remaining. There was a lot of messaging that evening, with contacts in Poland and back in the UK who might know someone who needed our help.
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3 years ago
Rebecca Kowalski
3 years agoThe safe place was created by a community group living in an apartment block, conversion of the gym and launderette space into a clean,3 comfortable living area. We were greeted by a female colleague of Łukasz, who assured us that the family would be safe and showed us round the facilities. It was hard to say goodbye but they didn’t seem to want any fuss. We felt unsettled by the change in plans, but for them, having to spend a night on a camp bed in an unfamiliar space was far less of an inconvenience than having to flee their country.
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3 years ago
Rebecca Kowalski
3 years agoNot long into the journey, Lukasz phoned to say that he had checked the train times and we weren’t going to get to Warsaw in time for the last train to Berlin. He suggested we take the family to a safe place he knew they could stay that night and they could get a train first thing the next day. Concerned over the welfare of the family, we wanted to make sure the story stacked up and checked train times, location of safe place, distance from train station. Mum and child slept in the back seat oblivious to our worries.
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Rebecca Kowalski started crowdfunding
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John Marsh
Jun 2, 2022
Well done - an amazing effort!
Apr 4, 2022
Amazing effort, so well done guys!
Sonia Blakesley
Apr 4, 2022
Glad you got back ok, we are sure you can continue to help from here, so here's a further donation from St Mark's
Kyle Kennedy
Apr 1, 2022
Good luck, hope all goes well.
Mar 31, 2022
Morag Lewis
Mar 29, 2022
Well done Rebecca for making a difference. Stay safe.
Mar 29, 2022
Safe travelling! Great effort.
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