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Trinity Catholic School raised £2,140 from 66 supporters
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Closed 15/08/2018
Iʼve raised £2,140 to expand Peter's Place Enhanced Provision at Trinity Catholic School.
- Leamington Spa, UK
- Funded on Wednesday, 15th August 2018
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Special Educational Needs funding for schools in the UK is contracting every year. This is especially true for children with a high level of need. At Trinity, we have tried very hard to maintain a strong provision despite the increasingly challenging circumstances.
In partnership with Warwickshire County Council, we opened in 2016 an enhanced provision for learners, 'Peter's Place'. This section of the school was to support children who were autistic, and who had previously been school refusers due to high levels of anxiety. We are very proud of the success thus far with Peter's Place, and we want to continue this mission by further expanding the provision into the on-site bungalow at school.
Unfortunately, even with Local Authority support, there is not enough funding in educational budgets for this to happen. We are seeking £12000 to enable the school to continue to deliver its high quality SEND provision, and to provide the capital investment to expand it.
Please sponsor Chris Gabbett, Principal, and Jon Shires, Deputy Principal, in their four day trek re-tracing the 66 mile Pilgrim's Route from Southwark Cathedral to Canterbury Cathedral.
- 6 years ago
Trinity Catholic School
6 years agoThank you everyone, particularly off-line donations. We have adjusted the overall target to now reflect how much we have raised via donations and parent pay.
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- 6 years ago
Trinity Catholic School
6 years agoThank you all SO much for these generous donations. We are now over £3000 with off-line donations.
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- 7 years ago
Trinity Catholic School
7 years agoWe've changed our target based on offline contributions. Please keep sharing the page!
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Trinity Catholic School started crowdfunding
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Steve Reilly
May 20, 2018
As somebody who is mildly autistic himself. I get by but appreciate the efforts of others who do their upmost to raise awareness for those who need this kind of special needs education.
May 15, 2018
Caroline Healy
May 13, 2018
Well done for such a great cause.John and Caroline at St Mary'sMA in Catholic School Leadership
Matt Alton
May 12, 2018
The Best Neighbours
May 11, 2018
Well done Jon! Great work, on such a hot weekend too x
May 9, 2018
Wishing you every success in reaching your target.Fiona and Paul
May 9, 2018
What a deserving cause and many congratulations to the teachers for their efforts ! Trinity School is a great asset to Leamington.
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