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Dagmara Levene raised £65 from 3 supporters
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Closed 04/01/2023
Iʼve raised £65 to support a group of volunteers from Poland,who organise the necessary things for soldiers at the front lines fighting in the war in Ukraine.
- London
- Funded on Wednesday, 4th January 2023
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This fundraising is to support a group of volunteers from Poland, who organise the necessary things for soldiers at the front lines fighting in the war in Ukraine. Some of them also fight at the front lines with weapons in their hands. With donated funds they have already sent their loaded buses three times to the front lines. They cooperate with three brigades of the Ukrainian Army: 24, 80 and 81 OMBR. They organise transports to the east of Ukraine, all by themselves and personally hand over the equipment to the soldiers at the front. The prices of hemostatics (clot pads, Celox and emergency bandages), tourniquet, army uniforms, military boots and diesel do not allow them to continue their activities without the help of others. Sending one fully loaded bus means 260-300 liters of diesel. Every day they risk their lives. Some of their cars were destroyed by Russian artillery, and some of their drivers can only be remembered ... Please help if you can. Every penny counts. Thank you
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Rachel R
Sep 24, 2022
Sep 9, 2022
Sep 6, 2022
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