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Philippa Daniels raised £1,070 from 36 supporters
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Closed 01/11/2017
Iʼve raised £1,070 to Help raise funds for Luke Roberts to have an ACL repair operation
- Funded on Wednesday, 1st November 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
On the 7th October 2017 Mav from Poole Town FC Commercial Department will be cycling 102 miles from Poole to Oxford City FC to raise funds for Luke Roberts who has sustained an ACL injury ruling him out for the whole of the 2017/2018 season.
Luke is a key player for Poole Town FC and is sadly missed. To ensure Luke recieves the best possible treatment including the required operation and Rehabilitation a total of £8,000 needs to be raised. So far £2,000 has been raised which leaves a total of £6,000 that needs to be raised and give Luke the best possible opportunity to return to the team ready for the start of the 2018/2019 season.
The ride will take approx 6.5 hours with the plan that Mav will arrive at Oxford City FC by 2pm on the 7th October. If you would like to join in the cycle or are a local business and would be keen on sponsoring this event, please contact Mav on 07592612246.
Mav is looking to raise a total of £3,000 to put towards Luke's operation. Your help and support will be greatfully received.
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Philippa Daniels started crowdfunding
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Oct 25, 2017
Pedro Viveiros
Oct 25, 2017
Peter Leppington
Oct 7, 2017
Well done Mav - what a great effort.
Oct 7, 2017
Rich Brown
Oct 6, 2017
All the best luke. Terrible injury to endure. Looking forward to seeing you in red and white again soon!
Steve Park
Oct 6, 2017
Good luck Mav
Oct 6, 2017
Good luck Mav - thanks for taking this on
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