We did it!
Ellena Martin raised £68,025.15 from 2372 supporters
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Closed 03/11/2019
Iʼve raised £68,025 to Help afford life saving treatment for my daughter Poppy
- Whitstable, UK
- Funded on Sunday, 3rd November 2019
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My beautiful daughter Poppy Martin is 3 1/2 years old, Poppy has neurofibromatosis type 1, this has caused multiple timours to grow all over poppys brain, starting with a tumour growing behind her left eye.
Poppy was first diagnosed early July 2016 when she was just 16 months old.
Our lives will never be the same again.
I am searching for help to find the right Doctors who can take this awful, life threatening nightmare away from us.
Poppy has so far faced 78 rounds of chemotherapy, but sadly the tumours continues to grow or/and show activity.
We have been told the tumours are inoperable in the UK.
The first tumour has already taken some of the sight in Poppy's left eye and is now growing towards the right eye and is sitting on Poppy's right temporal lobe and chiasm.
Sadly the tumours have the ability to do irreversible damage, we no longer have time on our side before potentially the tumours do this - so we need to act fast.
We are desperately seeking help from doctors anywhere in the world who have more advanced treatments and are more specialised in this field.
Sadly neurofibromatosis is very rare and has very little research into it.
After multiple set backs we have been told poppy is in fact eligible for proton beam therapy.
So this is definitely on the cards, this being the most expensive treatment we have yet come across, costing £300,000. This is the only treatment we know of that will kill the tumour indefinitely, but will also be quite damaging to poppy, potentially leaving her with life long damages.
with this in mind we‘re open to looking into any other method of help, desperate to find anything to help my baby girl get better!
We're aiming to reach a target of £300,000 to cover costs of travel, accommodation, consultations and treatment to help change Poppy's life and change her
future significantly!
Any donations will be so gratefully appreciated.
Please help my little princess live a life free from this evil disease,
Ellena Martin (Poppys mummy)
Poppy and her grandad Reg Martin, below
- 7 years ago
Ellena Martin
7 years agoI just want to say a huge Thankyou to Elliot gale, his partner Ava, and Vanessa Cross for all the hard work put into organising and carrying out Saturdays event, raising a total donation of £665.91! In just one evening! Thankyou so much for all you did! You’re amazing! We can’t thank you enough♥️😀
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- 7 years ago
Ellena Martin
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 7 years ago
Ellena Martin
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
Ellena Martin started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Oct 14, 2019
Good Luck
Oct 9, 2019
Honey Kanes
Sep 28, 2019
We’re always collecting for lovely little Poppy xxx
Russell McIver
Sep 13, 2019
Much love Ellena, hope you get the treatment you need. Bless you. X
Cathy Lee
Sep 11, 2019
Tom DSouza
Aug 30, 2019
Craig ginn
Aug 27, 2019
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Ellena Martin
Whitstable, UK
I’m Poppy’s Mummy, Ellena, we are raising the money to send my beautiful poppy for the treatment to help her get over this awful life changing disease, we thank every single individual for their helpful donations and all the support given, it means the world and more to all of us