We did it!
Hayley Wheeler and Stephen Philbrick raised £1,834.5 from 56 supporters
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Closed 09/02/2023
Iʼve raised £1,834 to Weʼre raising money to Support local charities the Food Bank Portsmouth, Pompey in the community & Friends without borders
- Funded on Thursday, 9th February 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
Now in it's 6th year! The Reverse Advent Calendar is back please help us reach our target #TogetherWeCan
The reverse advent calendar came about when I saw first hand there was a need for support and kindness to the local community who were struggling especially during the hard months of winter. So with the support of my line manager the idea was launched in our office, on a small scale, with a few items being added to a box which would eventually be delivered to a local homeless shelter/ kitchen.
As the word spread throughout the different departments across the University, the donations came flooding in from like minded colleagues who wanted to give something back. We had so many thoughtful donations we were able to support many charities including the soup kitchen, a local women’s shelter and a hostel for young homeless. Year on year the campaign has grown, enabling us to help more and more deserving causes across our City. Facebook and Instagram accounts were set up in order to engage with more people and businesses across the City who all wanted to get involved.
This year we are supporting Pompey in the Community with their various outreach charities one of which includes Re-Fit - a sports therapy programme delivered in partnership with Society of St James, offering free educational, sport and employment support activities to adults (18+) who are affected by these complex issues: criminality, substance misuse, homelessness, and mental health. Taking part in regular exercise and group activities can significantly improve the quality of life for vulnerable people and our service users report significant improvements in their physical and mental health, self-esteem and social interaction.
We will also be providing help to the Trussell Trust Food Bank - The food bank has seen some really unprecedented numbers using their services during the pandemic - cash donations help them buy what they need and when they need it!
"This winter, food banks are expecting to give out an emergency food parcel every nine seconds."
From the Trussell Trust - "We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. We are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK".
As well as purchasing food and essentials for those who need it, the Trussell Trust also offers compassionate, practical support to people in crisis to tackle the root causes that lock people into poverty and build people’s resilience so they are less likely to need a food bank in the future.
“The foodbank was there when we really needed it, it was an absolute lifeline.”
We are also supporting Friends without Borders.
http://www.friendswithoutborders.org.uk/http://www.friendswithoutborders.org.uk/ Friends without borders is a charity that provides support for asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants within the Portsmouth area. There are two main projects both of which are run from All Saints Church on Commercial Road in Portsmouth. Firstly, the All Saints drop-in, run currently on Thursdays, provides support, problem solving and socialising opportunities for those who attend. This service aims to reduce isolation and social exclusion by enabling clients to negotiate bureaucratic systems which they may not understand and to build networks, both professional and personal. Secondly, Access to Justice project provides free legal advice on immigration law from qualified advisers in the Portsmouth area.
Thank you for your donations - every pound raised will go towards helping people in need in our City. #MakeADifference #KindnessMatters #BeTheChange #TogetherWeCan
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Hayley Wheeler and Stephen Philbrick started crowdfunding
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Jan 3, 2023
James C
Dec 22, 2022
Keep up the great work Hayley! x
Dec 22, 2022
Keep up the great work
Mark O
Dec 20, 2022
Congrats Hayley and all involved and keep up the great work for a fantastic cause
Dec 19, 2022
Great work
UoP Research and Innovation Services
Dec 18, 2022
Adam Wheeler
Dec 17, 2022
Keep up the great work x
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