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Qilei Song raised £1,010 from 11 supporters
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Closed 05/08/2020
Iʼve raised £1,010 to Equip UK frontline doctors to fight against COVID-19
- London
- Funded on Wednesday, 5th August 2020
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The UK is expanding the facility of ventilators to save the lives of COVID-19 patients. However, we also need to purchase essential personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect our medical staff from infections by COVID-19. Especially for intensive care medical workers, they are exposed to high risk of infection when carrying out aerosol generating procedures. PAPRs are special filtered masks that completely cover the head , and they are essential for protecting doctors when intubating patients (placing breathing tubes) or performing tracheostomy with COVID-19 patients.
In China, medical staff working in ICU and dangerous operations follow level 3 protection , including N95 masks, safety goggles, and a special type of PPE known as powered air-purifying respirators (PAPRs). Right now UK doctors are only wearing FFP3 mask and protective face shields which are not enough for full protection. PAPR is superior in every aspects, including vision, protection and comfort. PAPR can be disinfected repeatedly, so each team will only need several PAPRs.
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) has recommend the use of PAPR for anesthesia professionals. Where feasible, use alternatives to N95 masks (e.g., other classes of filtering face piece masks, face piece air purifying respirators, and PAPRs).
China experts also recommend: If available, medical protective head hood or powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) should be used. Below you can read some news in Chinese (you can use Google Translate) reporting the use of such advanced PPE that give the highest protection.
Currently, Imperial NHS hospitals only have one PAPR. The shortage of PAPR places patients and medical providers at risk. Our department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College have assembled and provided a few prototype of PAPR system to Imperial NHS hospitals and the test results are very promising. We have now found a reliable supplier in China ,TECMEN, which has provided hundreds of PAPRs for frontline staff around the world and donated a few sets of PAPR to Imperial. We are raising money to purchase 50 sets of PAPR equipment and accessories, which will be distributed to Imperial NHS hospitals and other hospitals in need.
Make a Donation
£800 to buy one reusable PAPR to protect one doctor performing AGPs.
£100 to buy six disposable filters that enable a team of ENT surgeons and nurses to perform one tracheostomy operation that saves one critical patient.
£50 to buy two reusable hoods that allow the doctor to perform two operations in one day.
Please help protect our NHS staff who protect you!
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Qilei Song started crowdfunding
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May 27, 2020
Thank you very much Qilei!!!
May 11, 2020
Thanks Qilei for organizing this!!
Apr 20, 2020
Aron Walsh
Apr 20, 2020
Apr 20, 2020
Nadia K
Apr 12, 2020
Apr 11, 2020
Great Initiative 👍🏻
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Qilei Song
Lecturer in Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London