We did it!
Victoria McKenna raised £98,004.81 from 2833 supporters
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Closed 29/12/2020
Iʼve raised £98,004 to Pay for a life saving treatment for Rebecca. A drug available in America will cut the chance of relapse and stop the cancer returning.
- Glasgow, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 29th December 2020
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- 7 years ago
Victoria McKenna
7 years agoWe have just passed the £5000 mark already! Thank you so much for all your help everyone! This is truly amazing. From everyone in the family and especially Rebecca, we went to say a big thank you and lets keep it going!
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Victoria McKenna started crowdfunding
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May 5, 2020
Rebeccas lovely uncle on the van kindly gave us our cones for free today as he seen my NHS Uniform, So i am donating the money to raise for Rebecca! All the best xx
May 4, 2020
Feb 29, 2020
Adam Crawford
Feb 17, 2020
I hope you all achieve your target. Best wishes.
Roberta king
Feb 11, 2020
good luck
Jan 29, 2020
Dec 4, 2019
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