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Allan Pickett raised £18,503.15 from 629 supporters
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Closed 21/07/2020
Iʼve raised £18,503 to ** WE HAVE CEASED FUNDRAISING ** Please make further donations at www/justgiving/com/campaign/rbhheroes Please see the update below.
- Reading
- Funded on Tuesday, 21st July 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
The other Thursday an exhausted critical care nurse from West Yorkshire posted a video clip which went viral. Having just finished an extremely long shift, she went to buy fruit and vegetables, only to find that the shelves had been stripped bare.
Supermarkets shelves are being cleared by hoarders, with no thought given to NHS staff, who are working incredibly long hours, to look after patients, at no small risk to themselves. Then they cannot find the fruit and vegetables they need to feed themselves and their families.
I want to raise at least £20,000 to supply at least 800 boxes of fresh fruit & vegetables, including milk and eggs when available, to the Royal Berkshire Hospital, for the NHS workers. I have been working with the Royal Berks Charity and Dudmans of Berkshire who will supply and deliver the boxes to the hospital.
Established in 1871, Dudmans of Berkshire usually deliver fresh fruit and vegetables to restaurants, schools, catering firms and hotels in Reading and the surrounding area. As most of these have had to close, they are currently delivering fresh fruit and vegetable boxes to the elderly, vulnerable and self-isolating in our community.
Personally, due to arthritis and chronic psoriasis, I have been a regular visitor to a number of different departments at the Royal Berkshire Hospital for over 30 years. I have always found the Nurses and Doctors to be extremely kind, friendly and helpful, despite what they have to put up with from some people. It would be good to be able to do something for them for a change.
Each donation of £25.00, means we can supply a free box of fresh fruit and vegetables, including eggs and milk when available, to an NHS worker. So please give generously.

5 years ago
Allan Pickett
5 years agoWe have agreed with the Royal Berks Charity to cease fundraising with immediate effect. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of everyone that has donated, we have smashed our original target of £10,000 and nearly reached our revised target of £20,000. I cannot thank enough everyone who has donated. We have enough funds to continue daily deliveries for a further 3 weeks. The Royal Berks Charity have launched a campaign to raise funds to look after the welfare and wellbeing of the hospital staff during and post pandemic. Please see below.
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5 years ago
Allan Pickett
5 years agoRBA Statement The Royal Berks Charity has launched an urgent appeal to support their hard-working colleagues. Donations will fund much needed wellbeing and welfare initiatives for staff both during and post pandemic, such as the staff wellbeing centre. In the weeks and months ahead, hospital staff will need your support more than ever, so please show your appreciation with a donation today. The Royal Berks Charity appeal can be found here https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/rbhheroes
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5 years ago
Allan Pickett
5 years agoOn the 1st April 2020, we arranged for the first delivery of 25 boxes of fresh fruit and vegetables from Dudmans of Berkshire, to the South Central Ambulance Station in Reading. The delivery will be shared out amongst their staff who are currently self-isolating. Below is a picture of 2 staff holding one of the smaller boxes aimed at single NHS staff.
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Allan Pickett started crowdfunding
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Apr 11, 2020
Many thanks for your dedication NHS Royal Berks
AXA Reading Branch
Apr 8, 2020
On behalf of AXA Reading Branch raised from our sweepstake on the virtual Grand National.
Apr 7, 2020
Thankyou for doing this, amazing.
Apr 6, 2020
Keep up the brilliant work!
Apr 6, 2020
Sharon Stanford
Apr 6, 2020
Thank you so much for all the amazing work you are doing and putting your own lives at risk to help save ours 💙
Gill Hayward
Apr 6, 2020
Doing a great service, well done
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