We did it!
Rebecca Swadling and Claire Roy raised £1,432 from 63 supporters
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Closed 05/07/2024
Iʼve raised £1,432 to Support Parathyroiduk.org https://parathyroiduk.org/donate/
- Bristol
- Funded on Friday, 5th July 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
Those of you that know me, may not think of me as an athlete and you are correct in your thinking! However this year (Matthew) I am going to be not only an athlete but a TRIATHLETE!! Since January I have been out there running/swimming and cycling most days of the week, and it has NOT come naturally and in fact I have had a sense of humour failure many many times.
So why am I doing it? Well last year as many of you are aware, our bff Clare was diagnosed with a rare condition called hypoparathyroidism following complications from a thyroidectomy operation. It has had such a major impact on her life in every aspect (although she continues to smile through it!). I had never heard of it before, but now see it to be such a life limiting condition that seems to be severely under researched, under supported and underfunded. Whilst there's little I can do to physically to help Clare; both myself and Deds (Claire Roy/Dedman) have signed up to do a SuperSprint triathlon on 1st June at Blenheim Palace and would like to raise sponsorship to put towards a brilliant charity that helps provide research, support and raising awareness of this often crippling condition. https://parathyroiduk.org/about-us/
Claire and I are lucky enough to be able to do this (so I have to keep telling myself!). It’s not a big triathlon but its big for me and if I can do something to help this amazing charity which has offered Clare so much support and advice over the last year then it’s worth a bit of pain and possible humiliation! Please give whatever you can (however big or small) to try and make this all worthwhile!
9 months ago
Rebecca Swadling and Claire Roy
9 months agoWE DID IT!!!!! So so so pleased!!! And at a faster time than we both planned for!!! Thank you so much for all your support…. And what a bonus it being world hypopara day!! I am now officially a triathlete😂😂 though never again😳
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9 months ago
Rebecca Swadling and Claire Roy
9 months agoWhat an incredible amount of money!! £1242 and still going up!! Thank you so so much to each and every one of you who has donated so far. This will make such a difference for parathyroiduk. Tomorrows the day! Our wave is at 3.20pm so hopefully pictures of our success will be posted afterwards! Very excited/terrified and just want to get on with it now! 😊
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9 months ago
Rebecca Swadling and Claire Roy
9 months agoOh wow…. We’ve made it over £1000!!!!! AMAZING!!!! Thank you so so much!!! Final ‘brick’ session tomorrow before the big day next Saturday…. Eeek!!! Not sure I feel ready but not sure I ever will! All your support will make sure we do our very best😊😍💕
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Rebecca Swadling and Claire Roy started crowdfunding
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Jun 5, 2024
Fantastic charity and thank you! ☺️
Susy Knight
Jun 5, 2024
Thank you for spreading the awareness x
Chris grant
Jun 4, 2024
Grateful for your help to raise money for this cause. Thank you
Anne Cusack
Jun 4, 2024
Jun 4, 2024
Jun 4, 2024
Catherine Griffin
Jun 2, 2024
Amazing achievement 😁
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