We did it!
Hayley Wheeler raised £296 from 25 supporters
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Closed 03/02/2024
Iʼve raised £296 to Help support local charities to provide vital services to those in need in our city this winter.
- Portsmouth
- Funded on Saturday, 3rd February 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
Now in it's 7th year! The Reverse Advent Calendar is back!!
Please help us reach our target to raise some much needed funds for these amazing charities in Portsmouth this winter.
Here's some background info on how and why the Reverse Advent Calendar started!
Finding yourself in difficulty can happen to anyone for any number of reasons. It's a very dark and lonely place. It happened to me. The kindness of strangers and knowing that someone cared was a very powerful thing, it kept me going. Small gestures of kindness have a HUGE impact.
I wanted to pass this message on somehow and let people know that there are people that care. So the reverse advent calendar came about when I was thinking of a way to show support and kindness in the local community, so many people struggling especially during the hard, cold months of winter.
With the support of my line manager the idea was launched in our office, on a small scale, with a few items being added to a box which would eventually be delivered to a local homeless shelter/ kitchen.
Word has spread throughout the University, the donations came flooding in from like minded colleagues who wanted to give something back. We had so many thoughtful donations we were able to support many charities including the soup kitchen, a local women’s shelter and a hostel for young homeless. Year on year the campaign has grown, enabling us to help more and more deserving causes across our City. Facebook and Instagram accounts were set up in order to engage with more people and businesses across the City who all wanted to get involved.
Due to covid we were forced to go online with our fundraising efforts and this has proved a popular way for people to get involved who can't collect a box of items so we decided to keep this option open. Being able to give the charities cash means they can buy what they need when they need it.
This year we are supporting the Buckland Soup Kitchen the amazing team of volunteers provide a hot meal and support for people needing food, a chat and sometimes clothing. We see people who are street homeless, sofa surfing, living in cars and on very low incomes with families to support. No one is ever turned away. Buckland soup kitchen is completely self funded and relies on the kindness of people donating items and occasionally cash so these donations enable them to be able to keep offering meals and tea/coffee every week.
We are also supporting Pompey in the Community with their various outreach charities one of which includes Re-Fit - a sports therapy programme delivered in partnership with Society of St James, offering free educational, sport and employment support activities to adults (18+) who are affected by complex issues: criminality, substance misuse, homelessness, and mental health. Taking part in regular exercise and group activities can significantly improve the quality of life for vulnerable people and our service users report significant improvements in their physical and mental health, self-esteem and social interaction.
We will also be providing help to URBOND - Another local charity supporting families in need. The scheme works with the council and local partners to maintain and improve public spaces and facilities, and support families from low income background or no income to provide them with food and basic needs. The charity works to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race or religion in our communities, promote activities to foster the understanding between people from diverse backgrounds and cultivate a sentiment in favour of equality and diversity in our community.
Thank you for your donations - every pound raised will go towards helping people in need in our City.
Follow the campaign on social media Facebook and Instagram to see how the campaign is going and how to get involved. Thank you
#WeCare #MakeADifference #KindnessMatters #BeTheChange #TogetherWeCan
- 10 months ago
Hayley Wheeler
10 months agoThank you to the wonderful volunteers who gave up their Saturday afternoon to collect donations from the fans at Fratton Park! Total raised at the collection to be announced later this week! #TogetherWeCan
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Hayley Wheeler started crowdfunding
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Dec 19, 2023
UoP Finance - Accountancy Section
Dec 19, 2023
Tracy Audin
Dec 19, 2023
Hayley you are amazing at what you do, hopefully you can reach your target amount.
Leah Cottrell
Dec 18, 2023
Cannot believe it has been 7 years running! So important to support local charities and people in the community and lovely to see so many people get involved and donate. Well done!!
Dec 18, 2023
Happy Christmas
Dec 8, 2023
Jenny Couzens
Dec 7, 2023
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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