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Richard Caborn raised £60 from 2 supporters
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Closed 03/07/2018
Iʼve raised £60 to Ricky's Transplant Support Fund
- Sheffield, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 3rd July 2018
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Ricky's Transplant Support Fund
Apologies for the long story but I feel it's vital to explain as fully as I can, whilst at the same time being as brief as possible. Hi, my name is Ricky, I'm 33 years old & i was born with a rare condition called Gastroschisis, (Intestines on the outside of my abdomen). I wasn't expected to survive due to the complexity & severity of my birth defect. I did survive, but due to a monumental error by the surgeon who first operated on me, I have since had to undergo 65 major operations on my abdomen (not including minor operations for central lines etc) up to this point. I'm the only person born like I was, that's had all the complications I've had, Still Alive! That the dr's are aware of. All these operations have left me with a condition called Short Bowel Syndrome, (Not enough intestine to sustain my own nutritional needs to support life). I am intravenously fed (Known as TPN) via a line surgically inserted into a main vein in my chest, which carries many risks (Blockages, Blood Clots, Infections, Sepsis & Scaring), all of which can be fatal. Due to me having many lines throughout my life since birth, I have basically ran out of veins needed to administer the intravenous feeding that is giving me the nutrition & other drugs needed to keep me alive. This means if I get 1 more line related complication, I have no veins left to put another line in to administer the TPN or other drugs I also need. So I have been referred by the Dr's who treat me for a Small Bowel, & Abdominal Wall Transplant, it is a procedure that is now needed, As this is my last & only option to be able to stay alive! I am hopefully being placed on the transplant list in January. Now a bit about why I'm appealing for help in the form of donations... I live in Sheffield & in order for me to have the transplant, I have to go to the transplant unit in Oxford, which is 150 miles from home for me & my wife Lisa. When I do get a call to say that I have a donor & the transplant will go ahead, my wife will be coming with me to be there to support me. She will be staying with me until I am no longer considered critical post operatively. The hospital do have some accommodation for relatives, but as my wife is disabled herself, & uses an electric wheelchair, & the accommodation isn't suitable for her to be able to stay in. So this means in order for her to be able to stay, she will need to stay in a hotel which is suitable for disabled people to stay in, which is a few miles away & then get taxi's to & from the hotel & hospital. She will also need basic food & drinks etc.. we also need the money to cover the travel (fuel money) to & from Oxford for her. Friends will be driving her to & from Oxford in our car, as it has a hoist in it to get her wheelchair in, as she can't really drive at the minute, so we'll also need to pay towards their time & inconvenience if possible? If they choose to take her for free that's their choice... But we can't expect it... We need to take away all the extra stress & worry that isn't transplant operation related, due to how big an operation it is & the extra risks to me due to the lack of IV access, in order for me to be able to concentrate on me, getting through the operation & recovery. This means me making sure my wife Lisa is taken care of & is able to manage whilst I'm out of action, as well as all the extra financial worries that need to be taken care of if possible? I could be in Oxford for up to 12 weeks in all & we need to make sure we can meet all the expenses related to this ordeal, & we simply don't have the funds to be able to do so... I'm not one to ask for help but this time we have no choice but to do so, & we would be forever grateful for every donation... As it would allow us to completely focus on getting through the transplant & recovering without extra worry & stress. Thank you for taking the time to read this. Many thanks Ricky.
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Maria De Nobrega
Apr 10, 2018
Well Done Richard
Deborah Woodhouse
Mar 30, 2018
We’ll be cheering you on Richard next Sunday. Running for Ricky, not for Mayor!! From me and David 😁
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