Iʼve raised £10 to In Memory of the late Richard Dalman for Local Cancer Care Nurses and Invergordon Lifeboat Station
- Funded on Monday, 9th January 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
The page has been created by Mairi Urquhart & Son on behalf of the family.
Richard passed away suddenly but peacefully, at Raigmore Hospital, after a long illness, on Sunday, 16th October 2022, aged 72 years.
He was the beloved husband of Michele, a much-loved father, grandfather and a good friend to many.
Updates appear here
David Ross started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Liz Gardner
Nov 4, 2022
With deepest respect and love
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
The page owner is responsible for the distribution of funds raised.
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