We did it!
Peter Ferris raised £210 from 2 supporters
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Closed 21/09/2020
Iʼve raised £210 to Provide Food/ Computer/ Tablets/ Smartphones/ WiFi and Data to disadvantaged students around the world, distributed by world teachers.
- Funded on Monday, 21st September 2020
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Since lockdown I have participated in and spoken at three online International Education Conferences in my capacity as a Global Teacher Ambassador.
Listening to the, at times harrowing and at times inspirational stories from these incredible teachers around the World it became obvious of the inequity between not only students around the world but students in their own schools because in a "larger" family many students do not have access or as much time to access a computer or tablet ir smartphone or wifi or data and therefore as online learning will become part of education for the forseeable if not the entire future then this disadvantage must be rectified as soon as possible.
Also the need, for the sake of their Mental Health, for Students, Teachers and Parents to be heard.
Having Co-founded the Ring of Peace in 2014, an annual event sending a Message of Peace around the World, Person to Person, which was recognised by Her Majesty's Government in 2018 for work towards peace and invited to attend the Centenary Armistace Service in Westminster Abbey, alongside the Royal Family and World Leaders and having been presented in 2019 with Lifetime Achievement Awards for World Peace Relations through Education and the Arts in both the AFI World Peace Initiative in Cannes and the Sochi Film Festival in Russia I wa asked at one of the International Education Conferences could I create a Ring of Hope Competition for Students, Teachers and Parents.
Obviously I had no choice.
Linking my contacts in Global Education and Global Film Festivals we have created
All donations will go to Students (via their teachers) around the world who require Food, Computers/Tablets/Smartphones, Wifi and Data
In the future a teacher must not hear again a child asking
"Should I buy data or should my parents buy food" or children disadvantaged in one house of only one computer because of multiple children and parents need for the device.
We must now accept that online learning will be part of education from now on.
Please Help us try to Help.
(Especially with food during the holidays)
"Which reminds me of the story about "Live Aid" When the Press started to question "Why Bob Geldoff was trying to set it up...was it to revive his career?"
Peter Gabriel told him
"If you save one childs life, Who cares why you did it"
So if we make only enough money to help one child, It was worth it
Thank you
Peter Ferris
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Ashley Dunseath
Jun 12, 2020
On behalf of Robin Dunseath, co-founder of the Ring of Peace, and very much missed by his family and friends.
Jun 9, 2020
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