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New Kilpatrick raised £700 from 20 supporters
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Closed 23/05/2020
Iʼve raised £700 to Malawi Covid-19 Response
- Bearsden
- Funded on Saturday, 23rd May 2020
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Just as we face grave challenges here in Scotland, so too our thoughts still stray beyond our shores to those whose needs are even greater. For some number of years, the University of Glasgow has developed a strong and binding partnership with the College of Medicine, Blantyre Malawi. This was the focus of some really fantastic discussions with the young people in New Kilpatrick Sunday School last month; the Sunday School is already dreaming up new ways of helping our Malawian friends.
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi is the largest hospital in the region but there is no intensive care provision, nor ready supply of oxygen, and the tools at the disposal of teams are severely limited, stretching only to basic care and support.
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New Kilpatrick started crowdfunding
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May 18, 2020
May 15, 2020
May 15, 2020
May 10, 2020
God be with you
May 7, 2020
May 4, 2020
Important to remember others who are less fortunate than ourselves who have the wonderful NHS.
May 2, 2020
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