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CAGNE Gatwick raised £15,240.5 from 199 supporters
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Closed 29/11/2023
Iʼve raised £15,240 to To Stop Gatwick Airport 2nd runway by the back door which will be an environmental disaster for all as well as impacting local communities
- Sussex, Surrey, Kent
- Funded on Wednesday, 29th November 2023
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Gatwick Airport is seeking to rebuild the emergency runway as a 2nd runway. They are ignoring that over 1m tonnes of extra carbon a year will be released on top of the extra carbon generated due to main runway expansion plans.
There will be 100,000 extra flights a year plus those due to the planned modernisation of airspace. This could mean new flight paths over new communities to benefit Gatwick Airport whilst offering no compensation for those newly impacted or those that will witness the huge increases in flights over their houses.
There will be a decline in air quality due to the ultra fine particles that come directly from the airfield which Gatwick ignore plus the extra NOx emissions. Gatwick continues to regularly breach air quality limits and only works with local authorities to monitor rather than address these emission breaches! Much of the new build for the new runway is in the pollution zone to the north of the airport. With a westerly wind 70% of the time, the pollution blows north towards London.
In addition to this Gatwick ignore aircraft movements emissions. They declare they are only responsible for those from the airport and vehicle movements on the airfield. Even the electric vehicles increase ultra fine particles due to the weight of the vehicles and particles from the tyres.
Access to Gatwick continues to be an issue and with the planned 76m passengers a year (46m pre COVID) travelling to a regional airport via one road and one railway line that can't be expanded its a recipe for disaster. The current rail and road congestion will only get worse.
In addition a planned significant increase in freight lorries on the roads
, plus greener fuels being moved to the airport by lorries due to no infrastructure,
will not help either.
Jobs are not necessarily secure as the airport seeks to reduce overheads with automation.
Gatwick Airport is always hit the hardest when there is a recession, the latest due to COVID, and now
- 10 months ago
CAGNE Gatwick
10 months agoTomorrow is the last day you can register an objection with the planning inspectorate to oppose this new Gatwick Airport runway Register here https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/south-east/gatwick-airport-northern-runway/?ipcsection=relreps
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- 1 year ago
CAGNE Gatwick
1 year agoThis Sunday, tomorrow, is the last day you can register to oppose Gatwick Airport plans for a new runway. Here is a short film we would ask you to share on your Facebook page, twitter account, and other forms of social media in your area today. https://youtu.be/SzaglLgni0A Here is the registration link to say you oppose which should be shared with the film – https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/south-east/gatwick-airport-northern-runway/?ipcsection=relreps Thank you Your CAGNE Committee (a few missing from the image)
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- 1 year ago
CAGNE Gatwick
1 year agoA quick update for you all. We believe the planning inspectorate will announce how they will seek to hold the examination into Gatwick Airport rebuilding the emergency runway as a 2nd runway. Have you asked your MP how Gatwick can seek this when we face a climate crisis? Have you asked your MP how Gatwick can detail no changes to flight paths when they are progressing the modernisation of airspace for a 2 runway airport before they have any planning permission? How this might impact your home and wellbeing with more concentration of routes?
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Nov 26, 2023
William Power of Danehill, East Sussex
Nov 25, 2023
The need for a second runway in the SE has already been determined. Gatwick does not need another runway. The SE does not need another runway and the noise and other pollution that goes with this.
Bryan Deal
Nov 8, 2023
Controlling Climate Change will inevitably incur an opportunity cost, in this case the flights that would otherwise have been available. But costs like these just have to be accepted.
Nov 8, 2023
Nov 8, 2023
Helen, Haywards Heath
Oct 29, 2023
Robert Dale
Oct 29, 2023
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CAGNE Gatwick
Sussex, Surrey, Kent
CAGNE is the umbrella aviation community and environment group for Sussex, Surrey and Kent.