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TAFC Admin raised £7,872 from 360 supporters
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Closed 12/06/2020
Iʼve raised £7,872 to Help Save Tadcaster Albion Football Club
- Tadcaster
- Funded on Friday, 12th June 2020
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Tadcaster Albion FC has been around for over 125 years, could this be its last season?
Storm Ciara has devastated the club, leaving the pitch under 1.6m of dirty river water. The same water has got inside the Clubhouse damaging the floor and carpets. The strong winds have damaged the roof, allowing rainwater to leak in damaging the ceiling in a number of areas. Externally everything is covered in dirty river sludge. The rear fence behind the main stand has been knocked over by the strength of the flood water. The pitch is still partly underwater, and we have been unable to assess the damage. Ground maintenance equipment has been damaged. The new visiting officials’ facility that was nearing completion has been wrecked. We have yet to find out if the floodlights still work. This is truly devastating as its just after a group of volunteers spent time preparing for the ground grading at the end of February painting and cleaning areas of the stadium.
The club has dealt with a number of weather related incidents in the past, through its team of volunteers, the local community and support from the wider football community. However, at a Directors’ Emergency Meeting on Wednesday 12 February, the conclusion reached was that this could be the end.
The Club has used its cash reserves to repair the facility after previous floods and is not able to do so again. The Club has estimated that to fix the damage it needs up to £42,000. It does not have any contingency funds left.
The Club is reviewing the situation and will take whatever action it can, including working with the Football Foundation & West Riding County FA, but it is not looking good.
This is devastating news for Tadcaster as a town and everyone involved with the club.
Chairman Andy Charlesworth said “we have invested thousands of pounds in the club following previous floods. We just can’t keep doing this every year. We can’t get flood insurance and we are now facing the potential of closure of the club. For the Club to continue help in the form of donations or materials/services in kind will be needed. On behalf of the club I would like to thank everyone who has shown their support to our current plight”
The Club is bracing itself for the next storm this weekend before any clean-up can commence.
The club is looking to raise £42,000 in total however we are hoping to achieve support of £12,000 through Just Giving.
Thank you for your incredible support and any donation received is greatly appreciated.
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TAFC Admin started crowdfunding
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May 29, 2020
Daniel Gray
Apr 30, 2020
Tad all over
Chris Harkin
Apr 27, 2020
Hope to see the great club back on its feet as soon as possible
Apr 27, 2020
cheers supporters and fans, stay safe drink to TAFC
Roy Morton
Apr 27, 2020
A pint of non alcoholic for Matty A pint for NellyA pint for MortyA pint for Si Collins
Apr 26, 2020
Nick Thomo
Apr 26, 2020
A couple of beers for El Presidentè & Son!
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