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Laura Newman raised £6,204 from 165 supporters
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Closed 19/09/2020
Iʼve raised £6,204 to upgrade/replace our Score box in memory of Scribe
- Linlithgow
- Funded on Saturday, 19th September 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
On the 21st May 2020 suddenly whilst at work our dear friend, Mike Scott 'Scribe' passed away. His contribution over the last 30 years at Linlithgow Cricket Club has been invaluable and he was best known for his immaculate and skillful scoring. Scribe will be remembered for being part of the team. You could tell he hated it as much as anyone else when we lost and absolutely loved it when we won.
He felt the highs and the lows of the game just like all of us and was every bit a part of the team as anyone on the field. We would love to upgrade the existing scorebox and bring it into the 21st century in his memory.
- 4 years ago
Laura Newman
4 years agoWe have surpassed the target! The more raised the better a scorebox we can get in Scribes memory. Thank you all
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- 4 years ago
Laura Newman
4 years agoThank you so much for your donations so far! I just hope he is looking down on this page and can see how many people admired him
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Laura Newman started crowdfunding
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Jun 8, 2020
From one Local Sports team to another. Our condolences to family and friends. From Linlithgow Rose Community Football Club.
Lorne Grant
Jun 3, 2020
One of the good ones. HTG.
Tom Williamson
Jun 2, 2020
May 29, 2020
Kirsten Goll
May 28, 2020
RIP Scribe. Will miss seeing you walking around Linlithgow. x
May 27, 2020
Club legend, RIP Mike.
May 27, 2020
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