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Closed 03/05/2024
Iʼve raised £0 to support our work
- Closed on Friday, 3rd May 2024
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ScreenCraft Works is an international community of cross-border mentoring, talks and networking, supporting and celebrating under-represented production and post-production talent in film & TV.
We connect film & TV craft talent across the global industry to learn from each other’s perspectives, share knowledge, and increase employment networks. We support and celebrate technical, production and post-production talent and provide platforms to share their knowledge and experience across borders. Our programmes support under-represented talent, to ensure a more diverse craft workforce with increased career development and international opportunities.
£1,000 will allow us to make additional, individual mentoring matches across all world regions
£500 will allow us to support displaced film & TV people integrating into their new local industry
£100 will support a co-hosted networking event with organisations from around the world
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ScreenCraft Works started crowdfunding
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