We did it!
Emma Richards raised £195 from 6 supporters
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Closed 04/11/2020
Iʼve raised £195 to continue to run the South Glos Aphasia Choir and help many more people with aphasia to improve their mood and wellbeing through singing.
- Funded on Wednesday, 4th November 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Aphasia is a language problem following stroke or brain injury. Imagine waking up and opening your mouth to speak and you aren’t able to say anything or what you do say is jumbled or doesnt make sense. People are speaking to you but its as if they are speaking a foreign language. You try to write down your thoughts but that doesn’t work either and reading is affected too. That is the everyday experience for people with aphasia. Amazingly a lot of people with aphasia can still sing even singing a lot of the words. For this reason research has found that choirs for people with aphasia can improve mood and wellbeing and create vital social support.
We run a choir for people with aphasia in South Gloucestershire and need your support to continue. We have funding until early next year but will need ongoing support to fund resources, the venue hire and the cost of the music therapists to run it.
Thank you for supporting us!
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Emma Richards started crowdfunding
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Jan 22, 2020
With much love from Alison ( Yate Rock Choir)
emma caradine
Dec 17, 2019
In lieu of Xmas cards :-)
Dec 11, 2019
Instead of christmas cards!
Julie McNamara
Dec 11, 2019
emma caradine
Nov 29, 2019
Brilliant work going on here 👏
Yate Rock Choir
Nov 29, 2019
With love from members of Yate Rock Choir...we hope our donation helps..we all know how fabulous singing can be. Xx
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