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Closed 03/11/2018

raised of £3,000 target by 0 supporters

    Weʼve raised £0 to Feed Families in poverty. Promote an ethical company. Become my customer of energy, save money on your bills and feed families in poverty.

    London, UK
    Closed on Saturday, 3rd November 2018

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Having worked as an education mentor for almost 10 years now, I can't help but notice the amount of children who live below the poverty line. This ultimately affects their overall wellbeing. I'm greatly saddened to see the amount of children that come to school without having had breakfast, some looking forward to their only meal they can have, which happens to be a school meal. On top of the school education budget cuts, that all London schools are experiencing. The food budgets in schools are also being affected. Families are having to spend most of their income on high energy bills that in return impacts on the amount of disposable income they have to spend on food, often reducing or going without. I have a solution to this and i need kind people to support me with this. I have come across an ethical company that are able to provide customers with cheaper energy bills than the current big six energy providers. They are known as First Utility. In return if i bring customers to them, then a percentage of customers bills will go towards food banks to feed families administered by a company called ACN. A small percentage will also go my cause. My aim is to also expand the food donations in my local area in north west London. The more customers that sign up through me then the more lucrative i can also become in supporting families in poverty. However each time a customer pays their bills, a child and family are feed around the world through feed a child organisation regardless. We have partnered up with various companies, but the energy suppliers and phone services are the only services to donate to food banks as yet. The others services tend to be eco or environmentally friendly and help local communities where products are sourced from. for more information. connect to

    Feed a Child project

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    mariam zaaim

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      Page last updated on: 7/6/2018 19.52



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        About Crowdfunding
        About the fundraiser
        mariam zaaim

        mariam zaaim

        London, UK

        My name is Marian Zaim and i wish to help children and familes living in poverty, in return i would like to save customers money off their energy for helping in return.

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