We did it!
Sheree Carr raised £3,440.3 from 198 supporters
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Closed 12/08/2023
Iʼve raised £3,440 to Helping the family pay towards funeral costs for Claire Mcfadyen
- Paisley
- Funded on Saturday, 12th August 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
It saddens me to have to write this about a close childhood friend and family member. Claire was her very own person. She was kind, loving and would give her last to anyone. She was a mother, daughter, sister, Aunty and friend. She just loved all her friends and family so much. I would like to raise some funds to help the family pay towards the funeral costs. Please if you can give anything at all to help this family take some of the stress away from them during this very sad time please do.
I thank you all so much in advance for your kind generosity
Updates appear here
Sheree Carr started crowdfunding
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Sharon Mckirdy
May 4, 2023
Sleep Tight Claire
Irene Magee
May 2, 2023
Thinking of your family ❤️Sleep tight Claire 🌸💫
Doreen Mackintosh
May 1, 2023
Shortroods Community
Apr 30, 2023
Christina aka wee tiny ♥️
Apr 29, 2023
I miss you already Mrs
Jim and Caron
Apr 29, 2023
Our heart's go out to the family.
Paul & becki
Apr 28, 2023
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Crowdfunding is a new type of fundraising where you can raise funds for your own personal cause, even if you're not a registered nonprofit.
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