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Shreyas Royal raised £1,110 from 19 supporters
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Closed 02/09/2018
Iʼve raised £1,110 to Shreyas Royal to participate in the European Youth and World Cadet chess championships 2018 .
- London, UK
- Funded on Sunday, 2nd September 2018
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My ambition is to become World Chess Champion! Therefore I would like to participate to the European and World Chess Championships in 2018. To make it financially possible to participate to these events I'm looking for sponsors. For information, please contact per email or donate directly.
In November 2018, the World Chess Championships will be held in Spain. Shreyas is currently the best chess player in the world in his age category. In 2018 he wants to try to win the World Championship!
Shreyas is only nine, but has been playing chess since he was 6 years old and trains 15 hours a week. The goal is to reach the world top.
Shreyas has been Joint first in European Youth, World cadet got Joint 3rd place in his age category. Shreyas won many National championship for boys U10, U11 at the age of seven, this gives him more challenge and his chess level will increase.
Because the chess federation does not have a lot of financial resources, the costs for participation to European and World Championships are largely with the parents. To pay for this and the associated training we started this Crowd funding.
More information can be found on his website:
- 6 years ago
Shreyas Royal
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- 7 years ago
Shreyas Royal
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- 7 years ago
Shreyas Royal
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Shreyas Royal started crowdfunding
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William Stacey
Aug 13, 2018
The very best of luck to you in achieving your ambition.
Pete Maller
Aug 4, 2018
Jul 2, 2018
Good luck Shreyas.
Sudhir Kulkarni
Jun 27, 2018
All the very best Shreyas. You are a truly bless talented kid
David Lettington
Jun 14, 2018
Good luck Shreyas. You are making excellent progress!
Apr 28, 2018
Jordanna Nelson
Apr 13, 2018
Good luck Elvis! - hahaRalf and Rudy of Folkestone Junior Chess Club :)
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Shreyas Royal
London, UK
We are the parents of Shreyas Royal. The intent of this campaign is to raise fund for my child to represent England in different international chess tournaments .He is the Youngest ever Fide Candidate Master of England .