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Cricket East - Wicketz Luton raised £1,295 from 44 supporters
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Closed 09/02/2022
Iʼve raised £1,295 to support newly arrived Afghan refugees through cricket
- Luton and national coverage
- Funded on Wednesday, 9th February 2022
Don't have time to donate right now?
Newly arrived Afghan refugees need our help. In Luton, there are a group of 350 Afghan refugees who are experiencing a lot of hardship, particularly widows and orphans, and they need support.
Your donations will not only provide an opportunity to support the refugees' integration in to the community but also help us support their health, social and mental wellbeing through cricket... the game they love!
With your help we can deliver cricket sessions for Afghan refugees in Luton, through the Lord’s Taverners Wicketz programme for the next six months.
Wicketz | Shahid's Story (short)
With our partners throughout Luton the aim is to offer the following sporting, personal and career development opportunities:
• Free cricket and sporting opportunities for refugees that are staying in temporary accommodations.
• Working with local strategic partners and delivering workshops and training sessions on British culture and lifestyle, how to stay safe, the importance of women, healthy eating and ESOL courses for young people and their parents.
• To work with partners to establish a National Pashto/Farsi Widowed Women Support Helpline
• Provide bespoke sports, personal and career development sessions in partnership with primary and secondary schools and colleges across Luton to aid young refugees' integration into their new schools.
• Coordinating with partners to arrange a tournament for refugees at Lords on the 12 November
For more information please contact:
Amran Malik Senior Wicketz Development Officer via:
Mobile: 07493 867729 ( Email: amran.malik@cricketeast.co.uk )

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Cricket East - Wicketz Luton started crowdfunding
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Paul Daniels
Jan 4, 2022
Great work guys
Tim Jackson
Nov 19, 2021
Wonderful initiative.
Chris M
Nov 19, 2021
Inspired by Daily Telegraph article to donate. Keep up good work!
Nov 18, 2021
Awesome cause!
Nov 18, 2021
Good luck, enjoy the cricket !
Nov 18, 2021
What a brilliant idea for these children!
Nov 18, 2021
Great work.
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Cricket East - Wicketz Luton
Luton and national coverage