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Simon Dyson raised £2,015 from 110 supporters


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Closed 18/09/2016

raised of £1,000 target by 110 supporters

    Weʼve raised £2,015 to support Hayley's Heroes, a charity that provides support for young adults with cancer, enabling them to create special memories.

    Maidstone, United Kingdom
    Funded on Sunday, 18th September 2016

    Don't have time to donate right now?


    Hayley's Heroes was set up by my good friend John Counsell as he sought to create lasting memories for Hayley Martin, her 2 year old son Freddie and her family as she battled against Bowel Cancer. Sadly Hayley lost her fight in January this year, aged 31, but the Heroes live on, raising money to support young adults battling against cancer and creating lasting memories for them and their families.

    More information about Hayley's Heroes can be found here:

    I've taken part in some of the fund raising events, most notably the Great North and Great London swims, but felt that it was about time I took on a challenge that was a little bit different. I've swum for as long as I can remember, and competitively since I was 10 years old. I stopped when I went to Uni, but after a 16 year break I started again in 2014. I now swim with Guildford City Masters and have recently found Open Water swimming. I've raced over various distances, in lakes, rivers and seas, but the furthest I've ever raced is 7km.

    The challenge that I've set myself is to complete the London Dock-to-Dock race on Sunday 4th September. The race starts in Royal Victoria Dock, swimming past the Excel Centre and into Royal Albert Dock, alongside London City Airport into King George V Dock, before turning and heading back. The race distance is 10km - the swimmer's equivalent of a marathon.

    The website can be seen here:

    I would massively appreciate if you could spare a few pounds to support me in this challenge, and raise as much money as possible for an extremely worthy cause and in honour of a true hero, Hayley Martin.

    Feel free to ask me any questions, or even to come and support, whether it's by joining me in training or encouraging me on the day!

    Thank you for taking the time to read this page.




    • Simon Dyson8 years ago
      Simon Dyson

      Simon Dyson

      8 years ago
      Update from the Page owner

      My fundraising page has now closed so I wanted to say a final thank you to everyone for donating. The total raised was £2,015 - double my target! THANK YOU!!! I think I've thanked everyone individually, but if your donation showed up as 'ANONYMOUS' and I've not been able to work out who it was from, thank you to you too! I really do appreciate your support, the charity does some amazing work and will hopefully continue to do so in the future! I'll let you know when I plan my next swim......!

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Simon Dyson8 years ago
      Simon Dyson

      Simon Dyson

      8 years ago

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Simon Dyson8 years ago
      Simon Dyson

      Simon Dyson

      8 years ago

      Hello! I made it!! Completed the swim in 2hrs and 17mins, coming in third overall!! The swim was made extra special in that all of my family (John and Ruth that includes you!) came up to watch and cheer me on - can't tell you how much that meant. Thank you to everyone who helped, encouraged or supported me. The money raised will go to an amazing cause and I can't thank you enough. Now........I have to decide on the next challenge!

      Update from the Page owner

      Share this update to help us raise more

    • Simon Dyson8 years ago
      Simon Dyson

      Simon Dyson

      8 years ago

      Last big block of training done, and now the final countdown begins.....along with the worries and nerves! I'm amazed that I've not only reached my target but that donations have kept coming in. It does make me realise that I'd better finish this swim or I'm in trouble! Yesterday I did an 8.5km training swim which has given me a little more confidence, and also a sore back which will hopefully go before next Sunday. Thank you again for your support, it really does mean a lot to me and the rest of Hayley's Heroes.

      Share this update to help us raise more

    8 years ago

    Simon Dyson started crowdfunding

    Leave a message of support

    Page last updated on: 9/16/2016 08.47



    • Tim Wells

      Tim Wells

      Sep 16, 2016

      This should get it above 2000. Well done.


    • Anonymous


      Sep 15, 2016

      Well done bruv, super proud and for great cause


    • Justyn


      Sep 13, 2016

      Well done Simon,Just to take part was bonkers. To come 3rd is nothing short of awesome.


    • Samantha Mumba

      Samantha Mumba

      Sep 12, 2016

      Well done Mr Dyson! xx


    • King Legg

      King Legg

      Sep 8, 2016


    • Anonymous


      Sep 8, 2016

      I love you


    • Anonymous


      Sep 8, 2016

      Many congratulations Simon! A great achievement for a fantastic cause. Well done! :)


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    About Crowdfunding
    About the fundraiser
    Simon Dyson

    Simon Dyson

    Maidstone, United Kingdom

    Hayley's Heroes mission is offering a helping hand to young adults with cancer, we give them and their close family and friends a treat to look forward to, enabling them to create special memories during the toughest of times.

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