We did it!
Andy Scott raised £1,463.5 from 104 supporters
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Closed 04/09/2018
Iʼve raised £1,463 to help cover the costs of the 2018 Smithdown Road Festival
- Liverpool, UK
- Funded on Tuesday, 4th September 2018
Don't have time to donate right now?
We all had an amazing time at the Mystery this weekend, and we can't wait to do it again next year!
If you had as much fun as us, please can you help spare whatever you can afford to?
Any donations above £15 will also receive a free festival t-shirt.
As you might know, the whole festival is completely free and we want to keep it that way. We applied for various grants and funding to help cover our costs - it costs us approximately £96,000 to host the festival on the park - but, with the exception of a small but hugely appreciated emergency grant from the Mayor and our local councillors, we did not receive a penny in help this year. Everything has to be paid for with takings from the bar!
We hate having to ask but even if everyone who went along this weekend chucked in a couple of quid we could raise enough to cover our outstanding costs and ensure that Smithdown Road Festival 2019 will happen and we can make it even bigger and better!
*Please remember, Smithdown Road Festival is a completely non-profit community organisation, and any money raised goes directly back into future events*
Updates appear here
Andy Scott started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Jun 10, 2018
Nicole Konigs Balfry
Jun 8, 2018
Great festival, thanks for the hard work guys!
Jun 8, 2018
Simon Hodge
Jun 7, 2018
Jun 7, 2018
Toby Wallis
Jun 7, 2018
Well done Kev, Andy and al... Keep up the great work. I love the festival and think you are doing a brilliant job
Minna Alanko
Jun 7, 2018
Lovely neighbourhood festival!
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