We did it!
Karen Morris raised £2,303 from 145 supporters
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Closed 01/08/2020
Iʼve raised £2,303 to give as many NHS frontline workers at the GWH in Swindon something to say thank you for their selfless actions throughout this horrid time
- Swindon
- Funded on Saturday, 1st August 2020
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Many of us will know or have a close relative that works at the GWH in Swindon. I have my daughter and my mum. We see first hand how scared these people are when they go on to their shift and how worried they are when they return home in case they pass this horrific virus onto their loved ones. In my eyes anyone who chooses to work as a health assistant, nurse or doctor is an amazing selfless person but in the current climate they are nothing short of heroes. My daughter who is training to be a nurse has always worked on Shalbourne ward, that ward is now the ward used to assess patients presenting with Coronavirus symptoms. She is naturally worried for her safety but all the staff on the ward are looking out for each other and they are getting each other through this 💙 After hearing on the news that 2 nurses have died from Coronavirus and after speaking to my daughter after a night shift the other day I decided I wanted to do something to help that ward and hopefully some other wards within the hospital ... but that will depend on how many people support my idea!
At the moment there is little we can do to ease their pressures or worries BUT when this is all over we could help! I want to be able to give as many NHS frontline staff a little gift to say thank you. Thank you for the sacrifices you made, thank you for worrying yourself senseless about the risks you were facing but still going to work, thank you for the times you couldn‘t be with your children in fear of passing the virus on yet you still went to work, thank you for simply caring enough to want to help strangers like us. These amazing people deserve so much more than I can fund raise BUT a little kindness can go a long way! So id like to raise as much as i can to provide lots of treats! Maybe a visit to the hairdressers, the chance to have their nails done, gym membership, a meal with their family, a trip to the theatre/cinema for a group of nurses, a birthday party for their child who probably didn’t get to see their mummy or daddy too much throughout this (I think I could do that though as I own a children’s party business😜😂)
I know money is in short supply for many of us at the min but can we really put a price on what they are doing? Just a little something is better than nothing. Lets show GWH that Swindon cares and we‘re grateful for the sacrifices they’ve made 💙💙💙💙💙💙 thank you
C! Let’s show that Swindon values the staff at GWH 💙💙💙💙💙
- 5 years ago
Karen Morris
5 years agoWow we’ve already nearly hit my initial target in 24 hours! I’m overwhelmed by the support but let’s not stop here let’s keep going and raise enough money to put a smile on hundreds of NHS frontline workers at GWH #showthemwecare #NHSheroes
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Karen Morris started crowdfunding
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Pam Christian
May 17, 2020
Gerry Reilly
May 13, 2020
What a lovely way to raise funds for amazing people.Well Done, Evie and Karen!
Alan Pullen
May 9, 2020
Stewart Raven
May 6, 2020
Enjoyed making a scarecrow for the Nythe trail and looking at others. Also great cause to as my son broke his arm 2 weeks ago and got great help and care at the GWH
May 5, 2020
Ellie Evans
May 5, 2020
Thank you for the bedtime stories, Xander loves them so much. This is such a worthwhile cause and shows the true heart of Swindon Party Warehouse x
May 4, 2020
Great idea and lots of fun - thank you xx
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