We did it!
Andrew Perry raised £175 from 3 supporters
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Closed 30/04/2024
Iʼve raised £175 to support the ongoing work of Spring Arts CIC in developing food growing spaces, working with schools and community groups.
- Funded on Tuesday, 30th April 2024
Don't have time to donate right now?
We have established Spring Arts CIC to work with schools and community groups in urban areas to inspire, educate and provide hope around the joy of growing. We want to spread the word that regardless of your economic circumstances, background or location, having a green growing space and the skills to cultivate your own plants and produce is something that absolutely anyone can do.
We are working with community groups and schools to establish small-scale food growing spaces, to educate and inspire children and the wider community that in our modern world, growing food is an important life skill that needs to be valued for both good physical health and mental well-being.
With the rising price of food, we are increasingly aware that in many areas of the UK, especially more economically deprived locations, families are having to make tough choices when filling their shopping baskets with fresh food and produce - as a result increasingly, fresh fruits, vegetables and plants are being left of our weekly shopping baskets.
We want to do something about this and empower everyone to have the skills, knowledge and tools to be able to create the growing space that works for them, giving everyone the chance to grow nutritious produce and have a green space to call their own.
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Andrew Perry started crowdfunding
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Jun 9, 2023
A most excellent venture.
Jun 9, 2023
You go!!!!!
Jun 8, 2023
All the best with this new venture xxxx
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