We did it!
Leslie Player raised £10,526 from 119 supporters
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Closed 30/06/2020
Iʼve raised £10,526 to We continue to raise funds on this JustGiving page https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/snowdropappealdamerham
- Funded on Tuesday, 30th June 2020
Don't have time to donate right now?
Tragically, we've just discovered that the lead has been stolen from the roof of our wonderful Church tower. As well as providing protection from the elements, the lead had historic inscriptions dating back to at least the 18th century. Now it's all gone.
All we can do is begin the long and costly process of repair. Can you help us? We don't know what the costs will be yet, but it's likely to run into many thousands of pounds. Just making temporary arrangements to make the roof watertight is going to be challenging.
St George's is a loved part of our village community - alongside our worship we host events all year round from Christmas and Easter to our popular Snowdrop Weekend each spring. Any amount, small or large, will make a real difference.
- 3 years ago
Leslie Player
3 years agoThis page was closed as we achieved our initial fundraising towards the roof repairs. However, the task of meeting costs, especially in light of the pandemic continues. Our current JustGiving page cane be found here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/snowdropappealdamerham
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- 4 years ago
Leslie Player
4 years agoWe, like all the Church, have moved online. But St George's is still there, and the repair work needs to be completed. In the process of removing concrete cladding on the east face of the Belfry severe damp was discovered behind it. This means the whole east face of the Belfry needs to be renewed. This, together with delays caused by poor weather, and the extended time scaffolding has had to be in place, has added some £15,000 to our total costs, of which we have raised perhaps £5,000. Can you help? Please donate today.
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- 5 years ago
Leslie Player
5 years agoWatch out for an interview (which took place at St George's Church, Damerham) on Monday, and which will hopefully be broadcast as part of a feature on Meridian News, examining the serious and widespread theft of lead across our region. And let people know we continue to raise funds, with work hopefully beginning in March.
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Leslie Player started crowdfunding
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May 23, 2020
Here's a little more; keep up the good work and I hope you reach your goal soon.
May 21, 2020
Good luck with this work.
Jan 14, 2020
A significant and crucial project, sorry that it is required. Will be down to see the snowdrops soon. Sue W
Nov 21, 2019
This comes via Poulner Baptist Chapel, Ringood, and is from one of oldest members - Dorrie Green.
Mar 13, 2019
What bad luck, how will you stop it happening again?We are local and coming to james Mullens wedding
Kenneth Battle
Feb 11, 2019
Good luck with your fund raising. The Church means so much to our good friends Tom and Janice Harris.Ken & Ann Battle
El C
Feb 8, 2019
Can’t Count!
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