We did it!
Emily Autumns raised £1,420 from 57 supporters
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Closed 03/08/2021
Iʼve raised £1,420 to find and build Sussex Falconry's new home
- Hailsham
- Funded on Tuesday, 3rd August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
We come to you with a real call for help! We need to find a new home for our falconry set up. After the worst year ever we have just been handed some awful news, that we need to find somewhere new to move our business too. Within the next 5 months. We are trying to stay positive and look at this as an opportunity, to find somewhere new where we can continue to grow and evolve. Progressing our Medieval horseback falconry & Horsemanship and growing our conservation breeding programs.
Now, this is not the ideal time to be moving so we are appealing for your help, if you know anywhere you believe may be suitable please put us in touch. If you can help with funding and the cost of building our new set up please check out our crowdfunding page. If you love everything birds of prey, horses, heritage, and conservation and you can help me in any way. Please do not hesitate to give me a call. I really do appeal for your help and support at this time. Thank you, Emily Autumns
www. facebook.com/sussexfalconry
To help raise funds we have a host of fundraisers going on by memebers and vollenteers of the Sussex Falconry team.
Chloe Sullivan - Knight in Shining Armour

On Saturday 3rd July I will be following in the footsteps of William Duke of Normandy by following the 1066 walk from Pevensey Castle to Battle Abbey. I will be completing this pilgrimage in a 15th century harness and.. Without my horse! This will be a 17 mile walk encased in steel in the heat of July for Sussex Falconry to support them through a really hard time. My aim is to raise £100 per mile and walk from Pevensey Castle to Battle Abbey in medieval plate armour, so I am looking for people like you to sponsor me! Any donation big or small is appreciated and for a lucky few -
I will be offering a unique one-to-one experience and photoshoot with me, my armour, and my horses. - Type #battlewalk when you donate online to be entered or catch me in person while I'm walking about to donate the old fashioned way!
For those who donate 50 pounds or more you will be garenteed one of these one to one experiences and photoshoot, once you have dontated email me at INFO@BATTLEHOUSEHOLD.COM and we will get you booked in.
Sussex Falconry is special in that they live as falconers - they look after and train their animals full time. All their work is geared towards impeccable care for their animals, and providing inspiring experiences to people who would otherwise be unable to enjoy these stunning birds of prey. Falconry has a special place in my heart in that it is a historical past-time and it came into my life at a time where I really needed that extra push to keep going. So please, sponsor me and we can both help an extraordinary, hard-working, and small business keep going into 2022.
To give something back to all those that donate, we will be selecting a few names from the JustGiving donation list that use the #battlewalk when donating and offering them an exclusive one-to-one session with me ( Chloe) and our horses at their private yard in Battle - a great opportunity to get lots of pictures with them in their 15th century kit, get up close and personal with our gentle horses, as well as ask as many questions as you desire! Be sure to like and follow the Battle Household page to receive updates as we will announce the winners so that you can get in touch to arrange a time and day after the walk is completed.
Lucas Green and the Fantasic Four

Here is a little about this auction,
The Why?
“Find a New Home “
After a tough year, the team at Sussex Falconry have received the news that their tenancy will no longer be able to continue, so these funds will go towards finding a new home and constructing new buildings for the falconry centre as well as covering the cost of relocation for a beautiful collection of birds.
Emily Autumns, C.E.O of Sussex Falconry has a Just Giving page where you can also donate directly,
The Where?
This auction will be listed on my eBay https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/paragoncomics, and updates about the auction will be posted on Paragon Comics UK socials, Instagram, and Facebook.
The When?
This item will be posted on Thursday July 1st, 2021 as I wanted to allow some time for this post to garner some attention and interest among collectors before it goes live on eBay.
The What?
So, what am I auctioning?
This is issue #45 of “The Fantastic Four “among us hide the inhumans”
A silver age comic and sought-after key by comic book lovers and geeks. This issue is the first appearance of the Inhumans including Black Bolt, a group of misfits that now live on the dark side of the Moon!
Published In 1965 by heroes Jack Kirby and Stan Lee, this is a great example of pop culture heritage and well worth the time to look and give to a worthy cause.
Becky Wornast 300,000 STEPS FOR £10,000

300,000 STEPS FOR £10,000
I'm getting my walking boots out again....
After a ridiculously difficult year, Sussex Falconry have once again been hit with bad luck. Sadly they have been told that they need to find a new home.
So I've decided to do something crazy (again). Throughout the month of June I'm going to walk 10,000 steps every day in order to raise money towards the move.
Why 10,000 steps you ask, well we need £10,000 so it only seemed fair to match it.
Please donate as much as you can, these guys have been a life line for me throughout this pandemic and it saddens me to see them hit hard once again, especially after the destruction of covid.
Any and all donations will be gratefully recieved.
Thanks and see you in June!!!
SO share the word, support our new build.
Even £1 or £5 will help a lot. Small axes cut down big trees I always say ❤️ 'Cate Sullivans
4 years ago
Emily Autumns
4 years agoChloe Sullivan our very own Knight in Shining armor is coming to save the day and our join our crowdfunding team.On Saturday 3rd July she will be following in the footsteps of William Duke of Normandy by following the 1066 walk from Pevensey Castle to Battle Abbey. I will be completing this pilgrimage in a 15th century harness and.. Without my horse! 17 mile walk encased in steel in the heat of July. She will be offering a unique one-to-one experience with me, my armour, and my horses - use #battlewalk when you donate online
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4 years ago
Emily Autumns
4 years agoThank you Paragon Comics UK, they are kindly auctioning off one of their amazing Comics, to help raise funds to go towards the build of our new center. issue #45 of “The Fantastic Four “among us hide the inhumans” To find out more check out their Facebook page and all the details below. Please share far and wide we want to generate as much interest as possible to help generate funds. https://www.facebook.com/ParagonComicsUK/
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4 years ago
Emily Autumns
4 years agoAfter a ridiculously difficult year, Sussex Falconry has once again been hit with bad luck. So I've decided to do something crazy. Throughout the month of June I'm going to walk 10,000 steps every day in order to raise money. Why 10,000 steps you ask, well we need £10,000 so it only seemed fair to match it. Please donate as much as you can, these guys have been a lifeline for me throughout this pandemic and it saddens me to see them hit hard once again, especially after the destruction of covid.
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Emily Autumns started crowdfunding
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Miri Luft
Jul 22, 2021
Caroline Brewer
Jul 12, 2021
Well done Chloe
Jul 6, 2021
Hope this little bit helps, and well done on the walk in your armour!!
Karen Wells
Jul 4, 2021
Great achievement, well done
Jul 4, 2021
Jul 4, 2021
Jenni Farrell
Jul 4, 2021
Well bloody done 👏
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