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Nuha Abdo raised £3,750 from 25 supporters
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Closed 28/04/2023
Iʼve raised £3,750 to support victims of the Turkey-Syria earthquake
- Oxford
- Funded on Friday, 28th April 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
The Syrian Sisters is a community group based in Oxford which acts as a support network for refugee women and their families who have relocated to Oxford due to social, political, cultural or economic reasons.
We have set up an emergency fund to send critical resources such as food, clothing, blankets, hygiene kits and more to the victims of this disaster, focussing on the people living in the no mans land between Turkey and Syria who have received no government support and have been left to deal with this catastrophe on their own. We are all humans living on this earth together. Politics should never block the way of human rights. We urge you to donate if you are able to. Thank you.
"All the effects of the war over eleven years happened in 14 seconds. Entire families have gone. Buried in the rubble. Many areas in Syria have received no support. Are Syrians not human? People who survived the earthquake are freezing to death in the streets. We are all traumatised. We are heartbroken and trying to support each other." -Nuha Abdo, Founder of Syrian Sisters Community Group
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Gen Ramirez
Apr 23, 2023
Brightwell Supporting Refugees
Mar 31, 2023
Victoria Greenwood
Mar 15, 2023
A catastrophic and devastating disaster - thank you for your fundraising efforts
Ricky C
Feb 18, 2023
Great to see Rose Hill residents helping those so affected by the earthquake in Syria and Turkey
Feb 17, 2023
Mark Goldring
Feb 15, 2023
Feb 14, 2023
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