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Michael Leigh-Mallory raised £528 from 32 supporters
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Closed 03/01/2019
Iʼve raised £528 to fund “Taunton Peregrine Falcon Project” installing a nesting box and CCTV camera system to monitor birds at St Mary's Church, Taunton, UK.
- Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom
- Funded on Thursday, 3rd January 2019
Don't have time to donate right now?
(Project cover picture Carl Bovis 2017 Copyright).
During 2017 a pair of Peregrine falcons arrived at St Mary Magdalene Church in Taunton Somerset UK.
The birds have provided a real spectacle for the community and local people and others travelling from further away have all travelled to view these spectacular birds.
St Mary Magdalene Church in Taunton, Somerset,UK.
Both birds carry blue leg-rings JY (Bulletina) was ringed in Bath on the 26th May 2015 as a female. And JN (Bullet) was ringed in Exeter on the 21st May 2015 as a male.
This pair have now established a territory at the church and can often be spotted on and around the tower.
Picture credit Carl Bovis 2017.
Both Peregrines are currently in their second year and we are hoping they will make their first breeding attempt in 2018.
(Above) Stephen Jennings constructing the peregrine nesting box.
“Taunton Peregrines Project” is a community project aimed at monitoring these birds and bringing images of them live to the cafe area of St Mary Magdalane church and offering a live website camera stream in the future.
We have already secured £3.500 from Taunton Deane Borough Council and have to match their funding before funds can be released.
Also big thanks to Somerset Ornithological Society who have donated £1,000 to the project.
Rev Rod Corke surveys the roof of St Mary's Church in Taunton.
We are so close now and have set our final target at £2,700 pounds which would result in us raising the final £2,500 for the project to proceed.
Any funds raised are used 100% for the Taunton Peregrine Project and Michael Leigh-Mallory acts as project manager on a voluntary basis and recieves no payment for his services.
Hoping we can achieve the target with your help.
Michael Leigh-Mallory 2017
- 7 years ago
Michael Leigh-Mallory
7 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
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Jul 20, 2018
Good luck Rod, and thank you all for keeping us up to date.
Jul 17, 2018
Love following your Facebook updates - hope this small donation helps the project fly high
Apr 30, 2018
Apr 2, 2018
Thanks for doing this on behalf of the community.
Martin Fowle
Mar 24, 2018
Great to see the birds in action today, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us too.
David Yick
Mar 24, 2018
Great talk at Taunton today. Keep up the good work
Angela James
Mar 24, 2018
Let's hope it's soon can not wait ,well done you,respect.
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Michael Leigh-Mallory
Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom
Naturalist and Ecologist, specialising in UK native wildlife. Wildlife consultant and professional tour guide. Experience having managed a number of CCTV and wildlife monitoring projects. Schedule 1 licence holder for White tailed-eagle in 2011.