We did it!
Henry Morris raised £12,612.5 from 638 supporters
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Closed 01/08/2019
Iʼve raised £12,612 to fight back against the persecution of Hen Harriers
- London, Yorkshire, Pembrokeshire
- Funded on Thursday, 1st August 2019
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Hi, I’m Henry, and in the first week of July I am going to wear a trackable tag and run 200km from Lancashire to Yorkshire, visiting every last known site a hen harrier transmitter has stopped working in the last ten years.
The available science tells us that England should be able to sustain over 300 pairs of breeding Hen Harriers but illegal killing has instead driven these raptors to the edge of extinction. A recent peer reviewed study tells us that at least 72% of tagged hen harriers were either confirmed or considered very likely to have been illegally killed above grouse moors, and in 2018 there were only 9 successful breeding attempts.
There is precious little publicity about this national scandal , whilst combating these crimes is extremely difficult because they occur in remote areas. We want to help change that by raising money for wildlife crime campaigners Wild Justice and offering reward money to anyone with information that leads to the prosecution of the people involved in these pitiful crimes.
Chris Packham put it well:
'If I go in to an art gallery and I slash a John Constable painting, I’ve committed a criminal act and I would be pilloried for that around the world; I’d damaged a national treasure, in fact a global treasure. If a gamekeeper shoots a golden eagle on a grouse moor in Scotland, from my perspective that’s damaging our natural heritage, that’s as much a crime as me slashing a painting, it’s robbing us of our ability to enjoy an aspect of our environment and in the case of the eagle, one which is playing a critical ecological role.'
- 6 years ago
Henry Morris
6 years agoAfternoon folks. The dust has settled after our 200k run and the last of the upland dirt has washed out of our toenails. We wanted to say thank you so very much to all of you. Incredibly, we topped £12000 in the end and more importantly, we got lots of people, who previously weren't, talking about raptor persecution and the overdue demise of driven grouse shooting. I wrote about our adventure here: https://www.henrymorris.net/feed/marathon-for-the-missing-hen-harriers And watch this space. We have plans for 2020! Henry, Ed, John and Tim
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- 6 years ago
Henry Morris
6 years agoGood evening, Thank you so much for contributing to our campaign. We have been overwhelmed by your messages of support. If you would like to help Hen Harriers further then you can buy our T-shirts here: http://www.thehenharriers.bigcartel.com And please, please feel free to share the Justgiving page! We finish our 130 mile run at the Stonehouse Inn, Thruscross at 2pm on Saturday July 6th and we'd like to invite you all to come celebrate with us by listening to expert talks about Hen Harriers and drinking a few beers Up the Harriers! Henry
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Ken Murphy
Aug 1, 2019
Roger CROW
Aug 1, 2019
Aug 1, 2019
Owen Barton
Aug 1, 2019
Aug 1, 2019
Tracey Wright
Jul 31, 2019
Bladesdale Pointers
Jul 31, 2019
Top work mate
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About CrowdfundingAbout the fundraiser
Henry Morris
London, Yorkshire, Pembrokeshire
I am an ultra marathon runner, festival promoter and personal trainer. I have run over 40 ultra marathons in fantastic locations all over the UK, but I've yet to see a hen harrier. I want to change this!