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Monty Halls raised £6,326.64 from 220 supporters
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Closed 08/07/2023
Iʼve raised £6,326 to Help fund treatment for Holly.
- Funded on Saturday, 8th July 2023
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This litttle legend is Holly. She's had a tough start in life, but remains resolute, formidable, undaunted, and tackles everything head on. She's - essentially - a wee lass with a mighty spirit.
Holly has been diagnosed with ARFID avoidant restrictive food intake disorder - which essentially means she struggles to eat. As if this wasn't enough, a secondary infection when she contracted chicken pox as a toddler meant she lost the hearing in one ear. She's five now, and battles every day with the associated problems around her strength and development.

But you would never know it. She is the smiliest wee lass you'd ever hope to meet - life has dealt her a rotten hand, but she's dealing with it like a champion.
Getting a Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) fitted for wee Holly is a huge priority, but there's a two year waiting list on the NHS. The money we're hoping to raise means it can be done privately.
We originally set the target at £3,000, although the PEG actually costs about £5,000 to fit - we figured we’d find the difference after the marathon. But everyone’s generosity has been so completely overwhelming, so utterly amazing, that we’ve hit the £3,000 target already. So we’re going to go big, and try to raise the £5,000 in its entireity through the marathon alone!

Holly goes to my own daughters school, and makes me (and everyone else) smile every time we see her. So I'm going to pay her back for making me feel good at the start of every day, by dragging my wheezing frame round the London Marathon. Then hopefully we can square away that PEG and help her out.
Every single penny you donate will go towards the PEG - no admin fee beyond the JustGiving site, and no personal expenses. Just your donation, Holly, and a chance to help her live a normal life and experience all the stuff a little girl should.
Thanks or reading this far if you have! Times are tough for everyone right now, so no worries if you can't stick a few bob, but anything that is donated will go direct to Holly.
Right, better go and find my trainers.....
2 years ago
Monty Halls
2 years agoDone! Was flying up to mile 17, then something rather odd happened to my legs (i.e. they turned into two cylinders of lifeless ham). Unbelievably, we’ve topped the £6,000 mark. Your generosity is staggering (which is also a neat summary of my last six miles or so). Amy - Holly’s mum - says that this now means she can get a specialist pushchair as well. Brilliant. The money will be in a trust for Holly, that means it is only used for her treatment and specialist kit. Thank you thank you thank you. Now, I’m off for a bit of a lie down.
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2 years ago
Monty Halls
2 years agoJust prepping the kit for the big day. Have decided that Holly can push me along, even if it’s while plastered across the back of a very sweaty t-shirt (sorry Holly). Going to be a warm one, and will try to recall my rugby days by sidestepping protestors en route. But we’re damn nearly there - in every sense - your generosity has been amazing as ever. Now, off to eat for 48 hours solid.
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2 years ago
Monty Halls
2 years ago6am start down here in Portugal - followed by a proper man breaking 17 miles on the coast path. It’s a) beautiful, b) wild, and c) damn hilly. I hobbled back to the resort three hours later to fall upon the breakfast buffet like a wild animal. The hotel staff were all huddled in the corner pointing at me and whispering. But that’s the last big run nailed. Everything held together - just about - and is in reasonable working order for the 26 miles to come. So close to big day, and the big total! Thanks as ever lovely people.
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Monty Halls started crowdfunding
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Jun 23, 2023
Ken Vevea
Jun 19, 2023
Monty God bless you, your family and your little angel Holly.Prayers for speedy recovery, stay positive and stay strong !!!
Apr 27, 2023
Strong effort Monts, well done that man!
G Armour
Apr 25, 2023
Well done Monty. Strong!
Apr 25, 2023
Well done Monty excellent time..Keeping fingers crossed all goes well for Holly.
Lou brown
Apr 25, 2023
Steve Francis
Apr 25, 2023
You’ve got this Holly! And BZ Monty!
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