We did it!
Thomas Craney raised £5,491 from 169 supporters
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Closed 20/08/2021
Iʼve raised £5,491 to Help to return Mikey’s belongings to the continent
- Funded on Friday, 20th August 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
"Help to return Mikey’s belongings to him.
Mikey’s story
Mikey is a young man with diagnosed autism, who has lived in Kent, UK for many years with his mother. His Mum cares for Mikey full-time and the Covid restrictions of the past year have been challenging for them both.
Life became tougher when Mikey needed dental care, which was unavailable in Kent due to Lockdown.
His Mum took him to the continent for treatment and to be close to their family. The treatment was more extensive than anticipated, involving hospital visits and surgery. In the months that they were away, new UK Government restrictions left them unable to return to the UK.
The new rules and procedures for readmission to the UK would be distressing for Mikey, and his mother is concerned that they may become separated. After all he has been through, this could harm him emotionally, and even physically as he can suffer from weight loss if distressed.
Mikey’s mother is trying to retrieve his much loved belongings, which are of great comfort and importance to him and he misses them very much (his dinosaurs are his most favourite toy).
Help with crowdfunding to move Mikey’s belongings to the continent would be an enormous comfort to him and would help to restore his happiness during these difficult times.
Can you help? Any donation, however small will be an enormous help towards seeing Mikey happy again."
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Thomas Craney started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Aug 4, 2021
Great work and wonderful generosity! Long may it continue.
Jenny Rose
Jun 25, 2021
Lets gather with one accord to be strong
May 29, 2021
Once already poet
May 28, 2021
Alex is an uncommon name for a Saint
May 22, 2021
Sent with love x
Jody Bartolo
May 19, 2021
Freedom is all we have. Best wishes for the future. Luv n lightning from Sydney AUS.
Chrissie M
May 19, 2021
Good luck, Mikey and Mary. Much love to you both. Have a happy future.
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