We did it!
tim piper raised £2,567 from 128 supporters
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Closed 23/05/2021
Iʼve raised £2,567 to Raise money for In Charley’s Memory and raise awareness for mental health
- Funded on Sunday, 23rd May 2021
Don't have time to donate right now?
Stag Lockdown Challenge 2.0
So with yet another lockdown upon us and no reasonable sign of when we can get back on the pitch.
We have decided to start another challenge to get us to pull together and help out one of our sponsors in this difficult time. As a club, we want to support a charity that means a lot to us - In Charley’s Memory
With these times, mental health has become more important and something we have to be aware of.
In Charley’s Memory is a local charity run by Jo Clements and family. They set it up after former Burnham RFC player, Charley Marks, son of Jo and Richard, sadly took his life in 2014.
Like many charities they have struggled through this pandemic and need as much help as possible.
So with a bit of graft and an opportunity to keep everyone fit at same time, we are asking everyone to pull together on Saturday 30th January, where we want to run or walk 1000km in one day and help raise money to go towards them.
Its a tough challenge but one we can all overcome and complete.
Get your walking or running shoes dusted off ready.
Share this post please and we want to get as many involved as possible.
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tim piper started crowdfunding
Leave a message of support
Graeme McCraith
Feb 6, 2021
Well done Sal!
Feb 5, 2021
Gina Taylor
Feb 4, 2021
Chrissy, James, Lara and lil Adam xx
Feb 3, 2021
Well done Adam and everyone!
Greg Rogers
Feb 3, 2021
Ryan rossiter
Feb 2, 2021
Scott Mills
Feb 1, 2021
Well done everyone great effort
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