Iʼve raised £200 to To further fund the campaign against a proposed 205 acre Solar Farm on productive farmland between Ash, and Richborough, Kent.
- Funded on Saturday, 31st August 2024
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A planning application has been submitted for a massive 205 acre (106 football pitches) industrial solar site across local fields in Ash. The industrial site will include solar panels with a 40-year ‘temporary’ lifespan. Concerned about the suitability of this location and its impact on local ecology, farming land and historic heritage, a Save Ash Level campaign has been formed by residents concerned about the magnitude of this application and the damage it will cause in this unsuitable countryside location. We are pro-renewable energy but believe this scheme should be placed on an alternative site, such as local brownfield sites. Our first fund raising campaign raised over £3000 more information can be found at Saveashlevel.org
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Tim Smith started crowdfunding
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Val and Keith Jordan
Mar 18, 2024
What price the cry of the curlew, hoot of owl, flight of swan, call of the cuckoo in Springtime?......Far more than we could ever give.Please donate and help to Save Ash Level for Nature and tomorrow.
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