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Closed 31/10/2023
Iʼve raised £0 to Help the Tourism Society and its members to survive the current climate post covid.
- Closed on Tuesday, 31st October 2023
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The Tourism Industry has suffered substantially throughout covid and is still struggling to return to 2019 levels. The Tourism Society has for 46 years been supporting individuals in the industry to help grow their careers. Following the skills drain post-Brexit and Covid the Tourism Society is needed, more than ever, to help to maintain and reignite the industry as a carreer of the future. The Tourism Society relies on membership fees to finance its activities and has suffered a drop in numbers as the number of people in the industry has declined. We are raising funds to allow the Tourism Society to help individuals in the industry and those looking to join the industry to develop their careers. If you are thinking of booking a holiday and would like to donate a small percentage of the cost without adding to how much you spend, go to and book your holiday through them, designating The Tourism Society as your charity of choice.
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