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ukmon fundraising raised £1,129 from 32 supporters
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Closed 03/10/2023
Iʼve raised £1,129 to support meteor citizen science in the UK and help fund crunching meteor data.
- Oxford, England
- Funded on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023
Don't have time to donate right now?
We're fundraising to support the data collection and analysis that provides data to UKMON, the UK Meteor Network.
UKMON was established in 2012 as the first meteor detection network in the UK. Since then, the team of amateur astronomers grew to 200+ and ultimately played a vital role in the successful recovery of the Winchcombe meteorite, now on display in Natural History Museum. In 2022 alone, the UKMON team acquired 1,618,957 meteor recordings - a staggering amount of data.
This much data requires some serious computing power to match observations across the network and triangulate observations to extract orbital data and ground tracks. The UK Meteor Data Analysis group coordinates this work and provides the data to UKMON.
However we've become victims of our own success! Growing data means requirements for computing power which has driven up costs, even though we are continually optimising and looking for ways to reduce expenditure. So we are asking the community for help.
Free services that the data analysis team and UKMON provide:
* Free and unrestricted access to the entire UK meteor archive data
*Meteor Shower Reminder service by email
*Public Fireball Sighting report
* Up to date information about fireballs and potential meteorite dropping events over the UK and Western Europe.
*Live meteor pictures from the UK camera network
*Guides and help with building meteor camera
* We can even build a camera for you!
- 1 year ago
ukmon fundraising
1 year agoWow, thank you everyone! We have raised over £1000 so far after allowing for fees, which covers a large chunk of our costs! We are very grateful to everyone who has contributed.
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Trevor C
Oct 1, 2023
Great project
Trevor C
Sep 2, 2023
Stewart Doyle
Aug 22, 2023
Thanks to Mark, Dave and everyone else who supports this fantastic project
Aug 13, 2023
David H
Aug 8, 2023
Well done Mark & team for your tireless efforts over the past few years to boldly go & get UKMON's own 'Enterprise' up & running so successfully. ;-)
Mike Read
Aug 8, 2023
Keep up the great work
Aug 7, 2023
Love what you are doing, Maybe we can talk to a meteorite academic sometime.
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