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#WeTwo raised £14,357.5 from 449 supporters
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Closed 04/11/2022
Iʼve raised £14,357 to help Team #WeTwo take a group of underprivileged young people to Antarctica by expedition ship
- #WeTwo Foundation
- Funded on Friday, 4th November 2022
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NOTE THIS PAGE IS NOW CLOSED - but fundraising hasn't
Donate on www.TeamWeTwo.com
Antarctica. One of the last great wildernesses on earth and a destination that many think they wouldn’t reach even in their wildest dreams. But it’s shrinking – in 2017 sea ice was recorded at an all time low due to rising sea temperatures and in June 2018 traces of microplastics were found in samples taken from the shoreline and in 2019 a huge chunk of the ice shelf broke away, displacing an entire colony of emperor penguins. It’s time we all started caring about our planet, but how can we when for many of us, we will never get to see somewhere like this with our own eyes? Never get to have a close encounter with a wild penguin, see a whale breach or step foot on pristine land where no one has trodden before us.
Looking through history both recent and ancient, the ones who get to go the places like Antarctica on expedition are the privileged few. That’s where Dwayne Fields and Phoebe Smith come in. Known for their solo escapades they, both feeling under-represented in the adventure world and in the media (as non-upper class, and as a woman and a black man), have decided to team up together to show that anyone – from any background, sex or race – can make their wildest dreams come true.
This is why in November-December 2019 they completed an Antarctic-style expedition in the UK - walking 1333km (828miles) from Dunnet Head – the most northerly point in mainland Britain, to Lizard Point - the southernmost point, wild camping the entire 40 nights it took and pulling all their equipment in specially-designed wheeled pulks from Dutch company Radical Designs. Doing so helped them raise nearly £10,000 for their #WeTwo Foundation (see below). Along the way they visited Scout groups, gave a talk at the RGS for the World Land Trust as part of Steve Backshall's One Wild Night and appeared on BBC Breakfast on Christmas Day broadcasting live from the top of Glastonbury Tor. They also used social media to highlight wildlife conservation initiatives here in Britain and share wonders of the natural world that they witnessed on route - as well as highlight how properly epic adventures can be had even close to home.
Their goal is to plant the seeds in the next generation of explorers that adventure is for all. To do this they will take a group of under-privileged young people to Antarctica in 2022 on a specially chartered expedition ship through their #WeTwo Foundation.
Before the young people go they will 'pay it forward' - not with cash but by committing to take part in initiatives close to home to improve their local area, explore and share with others the incredible nature and environment that's on their doorstep and plant enough trees to ensure that their trip to Antarctica will be 100% carbon neutral.
By doing this the #WeTwo Foundation will be ensuring that the legacy of #WeTwo becomes #WeToo. We are not trying to re-write the achievements of explorers of the past - which we respect deeply, but we simply want to help diversify what so-far has been dominated by one 'type' of person. This will empower everyone to realise that they can achieve their goals no matter what and that, in doing so, they can also protect the planet for future generations.
Thank you in advance for all your support.
Phoebe and Dwayne
- Planting seeds, not flags -
5 years ago
5 years agoSeabirds to South - here it is - the journey we will be undertaking to raise money here for the #WeTwo Foundation. Help us change the face of adventure, one step at a time. Our adventure kicks off on November 18th 2019. Follow us on our looooong journey... @PhoebeRSmith @DwayneFields
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Oct 1, 2022
An inspiring story and mission
Sep 1, 2022
An inspiring story and mission
Aug 1, 2022
An inspiring story and mission
Pia Asare
Aug 1, 2022
Jul 1, 2022
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Pia Asare
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Graham Shepherdly
Jun 30, 2022
Just seen Dwayne with Will Smith, have done similar expeditions and took me back , what an inspiration ! Good stuff and all the best for the expedition
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#WeTwo Foundation
NOTE THIS PAGE IS NOW CLOSED - but fundraising hasn't Donate on www.TeamWeTwo.com To date they've raised £50k to enable them to take 10 underprivileged young people to Antarctica in 2022 with their #WeTwo Foundation. They are fundraising so they can take more.