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Wishing Well Charity raised £10,188 from 407 supporters
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Closed 01/06/2021
Iʼve raised £10,188 to create a legacy project for children in Africa, in memory of our NHS Hero Tesha.
- Shimbwe Village, Tanzania, East Africa
- Funded on Tuesday, 1st June 2021
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Since leaving Tanzania over 30 years ago, Tesha lived in Eastbourne, East Sussex and worked as a nurse for the NHS.
Tesha had a 7 year old little boy and Tesha was keen to remember his roots, returning home on a regular basis. He came from a small village at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro. Shimbwe has very basic facilities and Tesha, just prior to his death had been talking at length with us with regard to developing a new project to support children and families from the village. Previously we had done some work with Tesha to support his former primary school and he was extremely keen for us to build on this work. Sadly, he was taken from us before we could move forward but now that he has gone, we are more committed than ever to develop a project in his home village as a lasting legacy for this amazing, most humble, caring and committed man.
We may need to use some of Tesha's legacy funds to support his child and at this point the project we will create in Tanzania is still in the very early planning stages, but whatever we will do will be in partnership with Tesha's friends and family and the work will focus on children and families from Shimbwe. We will be supporting his former primary school and funds depending, possibly all of the other primary schools in the village.
When we have undertaken work in the village before, £500 was enough to totally refurbish two classrooms. This included painting and decorating, replacing broken doors and missing windows. If we are able to raise £1500 this will be enough to refurbish 3 or 4 classrooms and also purchase some educational resources for the school.
- 4 years ago
Wishing Well Charity
4 years agoWe are now collecting pebbles. Te ones from friends and work colleagues will be placed go to Tanzania with Tesha and be placed on his grave. If other people and school's in Eastbourne wish to support us, we ask them to donate £1 per pebble and these will be placed around the village. Please help us get this message out across the town. Friends & work colleague and want to be updated about Tesha;s funeral arrangements register on the link on our website. If you can help with the Pebble Project email me: wishingwellappeal@yahoo.co.uk
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- 4 years ago
Wishing Well Charity
4 years agoThank you to everyone who continues to donate. Until the coroner and a few other issues are sorted we cannot give any timelines with regard to Tesha's funeral in Tanzania or about any UK event. We don't receive your contact details through this site so if you want to be involved and keep updated please contact us through the link on our charity website. We will be releasing some news very soon about some things that you may wish to be involved with / or otherwise support. Please make sure all of Tesha's friends and work colleagues informed.
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- 4 years ago
Wishing Well Charity
4 years agoTesha would never believe what has happened so far. £4,380 raised in just over 24 hours of launching this appeal and with several of his friends and colleagues pledging to donate or coordinate fundraising events in the future. Our initial target of £1,500 was enough to refurbish 3 or 4 classrooms in Tesha's former primary school. However, due to the overwhelming generosity, It is now looking like we will be able to completely refurbish every classroom in the school. Thank you to everybody who has donated!
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Wishing Well Charity started crowdfunding
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Mar 30, 2021
Missing you Tesh.x
Alison Meadows
Jan 15, 2021
Donated by AMTD first aid and safety training
Nick Hutchinson
Jan 14, 2021
I was shocked to hear of Tesha's death - I met him through a mutual friend about 25 years ago. I'm happy to contribute to the work in Tanzania which is also my birthplace.
Sally Burr
Jan 13, 2021
Dec 22, 2020
Nov 30, 2020
In memory of TESHA`S efforts in the land of his birth
Nov 29, 2020
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Wishing Well Charity
Shimbwe Village, Tanzania, East Africa
Wishing Well is a small international Children's Charity, registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales (Reg Nr: 326529). The charity is volunteer led and Tesha was one of our friends and a charity specialist adviser. Our website is: www.wishingwellcharity.org