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Sophie Popplewell raised £2,536 from 38 supporters
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Closed 01/03/2020
Iʼve raised £2,536 to Fund a public access defibrillator (AED) for Woodlands Court Business Park
- Bridgwater
- Funded on Sunday, 1st March 2020
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My name is Sophie Popplewell and I am an IT Manager at Scan Film or Store at Woodlands Court Business Park in Bridgwater. On the 17th November 2018 I had a sudden cardiac arrest in front of my 2 year old daughter at our home. Luckily my husband was at home and gave me CPR for 15 minutes before the ambulance arrived and used a defibrillator to shock my heart. I was taken to The Bristol Heart Institute where my family were told I had a 50% chance of surviving. I was in a coma for 3 days in intensive care and spent a further 2 weeks in hospital recovering. I was also fitted with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) should it ever happen to me again.
I made a full recovery but no cause was ever found for my cardiac arrest. A cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at any age, at any time and very often to healthy people with no known heart problems or risk factors.The chances of surviving an out of hospital cardiac arrest are 8%. Survival rates dramatically improve with effective CPR and early AED intervention, so being aware of the nearest AED to you is critical.
If defibrillated within the first minute of collapse, the victim's chances of survival are close to 90 percent. For every minute defibrillation is delayed, survival decreases by 7 percent to 10 percent. If it is delayed by more than 10 minutes, the chance of survival in adults is less than 5 percent.
Defibrillators should be everywhere! This issue is very close to our hearts and this is why, to celebrate our 10th year in business, Scan Film or Store are raising money to buy a public access defibrillator for Woodlands Court Business Park in Bridgwater. With so many new businesses and so much development happening in our area, this equipment is essential to give people the best chances of survival should the worst happen.
Any extra money we raise will be donated to SADS UK a charity which supports research into Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome and works to highlight cardiac risk in the young through to middle age. They also fund lifesaving equipment for communities. Thank you for reading.
- 5 years ago
Sophie Popplewell
5 years agoAlmost half way there!
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- 5 years ago
Sophie Popplewell
5 years agoShare this update to help us raise more
- 5 years ago
Sophie Popplewell
5 years agoWhat a great start! 10% already 😁👍
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Sophie Popplewell started crowdfunding
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Jan 15, 2020
Thank you for putting this appeal together-- please use this donation to reach your target. well done!
Jan 15, 2020
Great idea! We are very happy to contribute towards this worthwhile cause.
Jan 11, 2020
To my amazing best friend xx
Mantech Safety Systems Ltd
Jan 8, 2020
Lucy Farkas
Dec 23, 2019
Such a brave amazing lady! You've been so strong throughout all this! Merry Christmas and enjoy it with Olivia, Rob and your wonderful family xx
All staff at SFS ltd
Dec 18, 2019
We decided that we would not send each other Christmas cards this year but rather we would put the money we would have spent on cards towards the defibrillator appeal!
Deanna Stoodley
Dec 12, 2019
On behalf of the HR Dept Bristol
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