We did it!
Bethan Venning raised £1,161 from 57 supporters
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Closed 02/05/2017
Iʼve raised £1,161 to be able to increase security at school
- Funded on Tuesday, 2nd May 2017
Don't have time to donate right now?
Our amazing little school has been subject to more thefts over the weekend and we urgently need to raise funds to increase security and protect the school for our children
All funds raised will be directly spent on increased security - fencing around the school perimeter, CCTV, additional locks etc.
Updates appear here
Bethan Venning started crowdfunding
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Ged Johnson
Apr 28, 2017
Thanks Beth. From Rhiannon, Cathal & Eoin.
Sara Scott
Apr 26, 2017
Sara Scott
Janet Hughes
Apr 26, 2017
to help Ysgol Y Llan keep our children safe in school
Hayley Louise jamieson
Apr 8, 2017
This donation is from my mother Beryl Jamieson...
Jenny Thomas
Apr 6, 2017
Kath Royles
Apr 5, 2017
Sad to hear about the thefts. Hope the increased security sorts it out and prevents any future incidents.
Judith Moulton - Lewis' Grandma
Apr 5, 2017
I can't understand why someone would do this. Hope this helps a lovely school.
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