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youngwildbrave is crowdfunding

raised of £200,000 target by 540 supporters

Weʼre raising £200,000 to bring comfort to children and families touched by neuroblastoma, and create a registered charity in loving memory of our son Ellis ❤️

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Ellis is our smart and cheeky 5 year old boy with a heart of gold and a real zest for life. As a parent our most basic instinct is to keep our children safe and to protect them from harm. But when you hear those words “ your child has Cancer” at that moment your whole entire world falls apart. Suddenly in that instant you feel a complete sense of helplessness and an overwheming fear and dread when you realise that you can't fix this, it's completely out of your control. How then do you carry on regardless? Now I know you carry on because that’s the only option you have.

Ellis was just 3 years old when he was diagnosed with high risk stage 4 Neuroblastoma. A rare and aggressive cancer with just a 40 to 50 % chance of long term survival. Looking back perhaps the signs were there, staring us in the face long before he was eventually diagnosed. Ellis would regularly wake up during the night thrashing about and crying, sometimes three or four times in one night. As first time parents we assumed that he was having bad dreams and we'd spend hours comforting him back off to sleep. He would sweat profusely to the point of his pyjamas being dreanched the next morning. Never for one minute did we imagine it could be anything as serious as cancer. If only we’d been been more aware of the symptoms then maybe we would have taken him to be checked much sooner, before the cancer had reached stage 4. If only we'd been more assertive and not been sent away from A&E for the umpteenth time running with yet another type of antibiotics to try. If only, If only, If only. It wasn't until Ellis would struggle to walk and eventually would shuffle along on his bum to get about that we demanded that the doctors take this more seriously and do something more. Unfortunately by this time the cancer had already spread to other areas in his body and was even in his bone marrow.

Our whole world fell apart when in February 2021 following months of misdiagnosis we were told the devastating news that our beautiful boy had high risk stage 4 Neuroblastoma.

We were transfered the very next morning from Broomfield to Great Ormond Street hospital, where Ellis had surgery to insert a central line directly into his main artery and within 48hrs Chemotherapy had begun.

The chemotherapy was so toxic. Ellis’ hair began falling out in clumps. He was losing weight and looked awful, we felt so helpless watching him deteriorate in front of our eyes😢

The chemotherapy went on for months and it was so hard having to put our complete trust into the doctors and nurses on the ward.

Having to believe that the poison which was being pumped into his tiny little body, that we could clearly see was depleting everything in him, was being done to ultimately save his life.

There's a set treatment protocol that every child with neuroblastoma will follow that's designed to take around 18 months to complete. Some kids miraculously get through to the other side and reach remission, sadly the large majority won't. Unfortunately Ellis was one of the unlucky ones. The odds of relapse are incredibly high with neuroblastoma.

Despite the successful removal of 99.9% of his primary tumour from his abdomen.The stem cell harvest and the six week admission for high dose chemotherapy, Ellis relapsed.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

Ellis was looking so well, In fact he looked the best he had in months.Then came the afternoon of our video meeting with Ellis' consultant We were expecting to get the results of his mibg scan but to be honest we wasn't worried at all, he looked amazing so we were expecting good news. But......

I‘m sorry but i'm afraid it‘s not good news. Ellis’ 5 year survival rate has dropped from 40-50% to less than 5%.

I remember thinking that Ellis had been through all this and for what? He was back to where he started. No, In fact he was worse than when he started. How can this be fair?

To say that we were devastated was a huge understatement, WE WERE COMPLETELY AND UTTERLEY BROKEN.

Fast forward to now February 2023. Ellis has recenly finished his second trial.The first one at GOSH and the last at Southampton. It’s been a long, hard two years for us all, not least of all for Ellis. He’s been so brave, a real little trooper. Things that would in the early days cause him a major meltdown, he now takes in his stride.The weekly dressing changes, feeding peg clean and the regular MIBG and MRI scans. I guess its all just become so normal to him. He’s missed out on so much and all that he really wants is just to be a kid. We're on a rollercoaster of a journey with plenty of highs and lows. But at the same time it feels as though our life is stuck on pause and we're suspended in limbo while everyone else around us is just getting on with theirs. Some friends have faded into the background but others have come into our life or stepped up to the mark with encouragement and support. And for that we are blessed and truely grateful.


We‘ve met some lovely people along the way. Caring nurses, kind charity workers and the other amazing children and families that are also fighting their own battles or have sadly lost theirs. Our heart goes out to each and every one of them ❤️

As for the trial, it helped…….a little. His hair has grown back and he’s even managed to put on some weight. Anyone looking on from the outside would say he looks well, and he does.

But the cancer’s still there, refusing to budge from his spine.

Ellis is waiting to start radiotherapy at UCLH within the next few weeks. He hasn’t had this treatment before so the consultant after discussing Ellis at the national panel feels that this is his best option. Apparently neuroblastoma is clever and cunning and quick to mutate. Building resistance to everything that’s thrown at it.

We are so scared. If this doesn't work then there’s nothing left in the UK that could help him.

We need your help now more than ever. Treatment abroad is expensive and time is ticking. Please help us save our precious little boy❤️

There are so many ways you can get involved.You can follow his journey on social media. On Instagram @youngwildbrave

or on Facebook @supportingyoungwildbrave

We have some fundraising events coming up which we’ll advertise closer to the time but If you’d like to organise your own fundraising event, a coffee morning, dress down day or even a sponsored challenge. We would love to hear from you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and we hope that you can support us in any way that you can. We can't do this alone and really do need your support.

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  • youngwildbrave7 months ago


    7 months ago

    No words could ever express the gut wrenching pain we feel after losing our beautiful & brave little boy. After a long & gruelling 2 yrs & 8 months of fighting, the cancer just proved to be too big for him to overcome. Ellis passed away on the 16th October, at home surrounded by love and cuddled by his mummies. We need to take time out as a family which we hope you understand. However it is our wish to create a lasting legacy for Ellis by using the money we’ve raised so far and any future donations to help other children with neuroblastoma xx

    Update from the Page owner

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  • youngwildbrave7 months ago


    7 months ago

    We would just like to thank everyone that’s supported our campaign. As you will know our aim was to get Ellis potentially lifesaving treatment. Sadly however the cancer has progressed and there’s nothing that will save him now despite his courageous fight. We don’t know what time we have left but we want to make sure that Ellis experiences as much of life that he’s able to manage. Therefore some of the money raised will be used to enable this with the remainder as a legacy in Ellis’ memory to help other children who are fighting Neuroblastoma.

    Update from the Page owner

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  • youngwildbrave9 months ago


    9 months ago
    Update from the Page owner


    Share this update to help us raise more

1 year ago

youngwildbrave started crowdfunding

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Page last updated on: 3/8/2024 21.37



  • Anonymous


    Mar 8, 2024

  • Steve Read

    Steve Read

    Dec 12, 2023

    My sincere condolences for your loss. Best of luck with the legacy fund.


  • Anonymous


    Oct 28, 2023

    So so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you all x


  • Jane Barnett

    Jane Barnett

    Oct 25, 2023


  • Bev Rudd

    Bev Rudd

    Oct 25, 2023

    In memory of dear Ellis xx


  • Jo Jardine

    Jo Jardine

    Oct 23, 2023

    Happy to help keep the memory of your lovely boy alive. Sending lots of love to you both xx


  • Anonymous


    Oct 20, 2023


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